

Can lack of blood kill a vampire?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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it would if they existed.

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Q: Can lack of blood kill a vampire?
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There are three species of "vampire" bat. The common vampire bat feeds mostly on the blood of mammals significantly larger than itself, and is unlikely to kill its prey. The white-winged vampire bat, which prefers the blood of birds, might well kill its prey in the process.

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No vampire bats do not kill their prey, they just suck blood and that's it I will hardly believe that they can kill a full grown bear even in a swarm

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What is a vapanese?

It's where a vampire drinks the blood of something and kills it. The word comes from the movie Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant. A vampire drinks the blood of something but makes sure that he or she doesn't kill it.

Can a vampire come to you?

no. unless you try to be funny by using a vampire bat. a vampire bat won't hurt you either. it will just kill animals and suck their blood.

How do vampire bats share their blood meal?

Ideally a vampire would not kill his food source but use it lightly for he/she would be assured of a continuing food source. If however a vampire wishes to create a new vampire then he would 'kill' his victim slowly assuring that the vampire contagin was in effect when the person died.

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ask another 500 year old vampire to kill him. according to true blood. vamps like money lol. You can't kill him, he's already dead.

How do you beat naughty elevator game?

go and suck the blood then kill the vampire after that you win whoo hio surrogate information is key hope that helps