

Can lactose people eat frozen yogurt?

Updated: 12/5/2022
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Q: Can lactose people eat frozen yogurt?
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How do you eat frozen yogurt with out having a brain freeze?

You should eat the frozen yogurt slowly.

Why are people with lactose intolerance eat yogurt?

Yogurt is made by adding a bacterial culture that eats lactose, excreting lactic acid. With the lactose already removed, the yogurt is fully digestible by lactose intolerant people with no bad reactions. The lactic acid simply makes it taste sour and that is usually covered over with fruit if you don't like it.

Can you eat frozen yogurt?

Sure, go for it.

What can a lactose intolerant eat?

Lactose intolerant people can eat lots of things including Meat Products, Water, Various Soda Brands, and even cheese, but NOT cow cheese. Lactose intolerant people can eat GOAT cheese, but not COW cheese.soymilk and other nut milk, e.g almond milk.milk and yogurt

What temperature does frozen yogurt melt?

who cares just EAT IT who cares just EAT IT

Why can lactose intolerant people eat yogurt?

I believe that it is goats milk cheese they can eat without a problem Goats milk contains low fat and milk sugar. Actually, goat cheeses do have less lactose but so do Swiss and Cheddar. The older the cheese (and therefore most likely harder) the less lactose that survives. Any cheese has less lactose with age but the cheeses above have less as a class. Cottage cheese, Velveeta and other soft, especially processed, cheeses have the most lactose

Can a Maltese or a pup eat mint ice cream or mint frozen yogurt?

No dogs should eat ice cream or frozen yogurt, because the sugar is bad for them. sugar free is bad too

What can i take if Lactaid does not work?

The best answer is to use alternatives to cow milk - such as soy milk or rice milk. Also, most people with lactose intolerance can eat yogurt.

How fattening is trail mix to eat on a daily basis with nonfat frozen yogurt?

It really depends on the exact composition of the trail mix. Nonfat frozen yogurt is fattening if it has a lot of sugar.

Which internet sites allow you to compare frozen yogurt calories with other foods?

Calorie King's frozen yogurt section ( has the nutritional information for pretty much every yogurt under the sun. Just go there and look up the brand of frozen yogurt you want to eat, and the food you want to compare it to.

Is height and weight significant in lactose intolerance?

Adults need a particular enzyme in their stomach to tolerate lactose. Babies are born with that enzyme. It turns off automatically in a number of children when they get to be about six years old. As a result they become lactose intolerant. Height and weight have nothing to do with lactose intolerance but the lack of an enzyme. Some people lactose intolerant people drink milk with a bacterium added which adds that enzyme. Others eat milk in the form of cheese or yogurt.

Can lactose intolerant people eat pizza?

Some lactose-intolerant people can eat pizza, while others cannot. It depends on the severity of the intolerance.