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Yes, ladybugs can eat breadcrumbs, particularly if the Coccinellidae family members in question are herbivorous. Ladybugs tend to be carnivorous and to specialize in such insect pests as aphids and mealybugs. Some species will eat pollen and therefore take better to such indoor food source options as breadcrumbs.

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7y ago
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14y ago

no it is not safe for them to eat bread and if you look at earlier massages that i have answered about ladybugs you will see what they can eat and what they cant eat.=)

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What do ladybugs eat-?

Ladybugs eat fungus, mushrooms, insects, mildew, leaves, and don't forget aphids!!! Ladybugs eat aphids and aphids feed on plant juices so farmers love ladybugs because they help the plant stay alive. Aphids are yellow bugs that are very small and pesty. ... Omnivores eat meat\animals, and they eat plants.

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No, ladybugs are carnivores and it only eats meat material.

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no they don't eat milkweed so isf you do have pet don;t feed it that

Do ladybugs eat grub?

No ladybugs do not eat grub, but they do eat aphids.

How often do ladybugs eat?

in the wild ladybugs usually eat 50-60 aphids a day

Where do you find ladybugs besides rose bushes?

Ladybugs eat aphids so any plant that has aphids could eventually see ladybugs.

Is it illegal to eat ladybugs?

No its not because cats eat ladybugs/ladybirds because I have 2 cats and my cat nearly ate it and he would'nt get arested so nore will you LOL so the answer is: NO

Do you died if ladybugs posin you?

Ladybugs do not bite. They eat aphids so unless you are an aphid you don't have a problem. They are also not poisonous.

Do ladybugs eat sugar or bread?

No because my ladybug got out and when I found her she was nearly dead so I gave her some sugar and water and put it in front of her and she didn't eat it ,but I looked up that ladybugs eat half a raisin a day so put one raisin and feed your ladybug for two days I didn't feed my ladybug a raisin because I didn't have any at the time. olivia 2013

Do spiders eat ladybugs?

They do eat aphids and scale insects, so it is possible that they eat spiders, also.

What do ladybugs eat and what eats them?

ladybugs eat small insects mainly aphids and are eated by a variety of predetors like praying mantice, spiders, songbirds and so on