

Can ladybugs eat flowers

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9y ago

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No, ladybugs cannot eat flowers. But the insects in question (Coccinellidae family) may feed upon floral nectars and pollens in the younger portions of their generally year-long life cycles and natural histories. As adults, they will be known more for protecting flowers from harmful pests than for damaging any of the plant's above- and below-ground body parts.

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no, no they don't. Ladybugs like to eat leaves not flowers! ( as thats what i think) ......

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Lady bugs eat other insects especially aphids. They don't eat flowers.

Do ladybugs eat flower petals?

No. They are carnivores, and their primary diet is aphids. Aphids may indeed eat flowers or leaves.

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Ladybugs prefer aphids, which are smaller bugs that suck the sap and juices out of plants, especially flowers. Ladybugs are beneficial insects, because they eat other harmful insects.

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Dahlias are eaten by aphids and earwigs. Ladybugs eat the aphids.

What does a ladiebug eat?

Ladybugs eat soft leaves and the nectar from flowers. ---- ladybirds eat aphids; tiny green insects that are found in large numbers on rose bushes.

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Yes, ladybugs will sometimes eat the larvae and pupae of their own kind.

What do ladybugs eat-?

Ladybugs eat fungus, mushrooms, insects, mildew, leaves, and don't forget aphids!!! Ladybugs eat aphids and aphids feed on plant juices so farmers love ladybugs because they help the plant stay alive. Aphids are yellow bugs that are very small and pesty. ... Omnivores eat meat\animals, and they eat plants.

Do Ladybugs eat leavs?

Ladybugs do not eat leaves; they eat aphids, which suck the juices from plants. So, the Ladybugs protect your garden.

Do ladybugs eat stink bugs?

yes ladybugs do eat stink bugs because they are small bugs and it is easy for ladybugs to eat them.

Will ladybugs ever go away?

Ladybugs or Ladybirds as they are also known should never go away, they are an essential and friendly bug, for example they eat the nasty bugs that infest our garden flowers and veg.