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Each patient would need to get advice from their attending physicians to know if they can take Tamiflu. It is likely okay, but different medications and treatments could influence a determination of if and when to use anti-viral medicines when you have a serious underlying disease like Lupus.

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Q: Can lupus patients take Tamiflu
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Does lupus affect more women then men?

9 out of 10 lupus patients are women.

Is lupus a critical illness?

Lupus is a serious autoimmune disease, and unfortunately some patients die as a result of lupus and/or the treatments for the disease.

Can you take Advil PM with tamiflu?

Lupus patients should always discuss over the counter medications, herbs, and supplements with their rheumatologists because of the danger of worsening lupus activity or negative interactions with medication. That said, Advil is a NSAID or Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug which is often used to relieve inflammation and the pain it causes. The PM part is likewise not likely to cause problems. But ask the doctor because it is the doctor who will know what is safe for you.

What is lupus ANTICUAGULATE?

Lupus anticoagulant is a blood clotting disorder that occurs in some lupus patients. Lupus anticoagulant causes blood clots. It is treated with blood thinners.

How does lupus anticoagulant develop?

Lupus anticoagulant and other clotting disorders occur in about 20% of lupus patients. These can develop at any age.

Are lupus patients fat?

Not necessarily, but many lupus patients will gain weight due to an anti-inflammatory drug that they often take called Prednisone. This causes excessive weight gain. Sometimes lupus effects the digestive organs, resulting in digestive issues that cause weight loss. Often medications and other symptoms of lupus cause the patient to feel nauseous and vomit a lot, which is also another cause of weight loss due to lupus.

May you take Tamiflu while on blood pressure medicine?

is ok to take tamiflu with high blood pressure

Is Lupus a disability?

The diagnosis of Lupus must be confirmed and it must be clearly defined as to how much and to what extent is disables you. Your best (and only) authority on this matter should be your local office of the Social Security Administration.

Can you take flexeril and Tamiflu together?

There is no known significant interaction between Tamiflu and Flexeril.

Is Tamiflu safe for transplant patients?

It is important that transplant patients always contact their transplant physician before adding any medications, either prescription or over the counter, to their medication regimen.The literature from the manufacturer does not list any complications or side effects specific to transplant patients and does not list them among those who should not take the drug. The following statement may apply if you are taking anti-rejection medications:Efficacy of TAMIFLU for treatment or prophylaxis has not been established in immunocompromised patients.