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you could start your period before you develop boobs - yes! :)

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Q: Can menstruation period come without developing of breasts?
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Do your breast get bigger before getting your period?

Your breasts can seem to get bigger before menstruation. Hormonal changes can effect the breasts, causing breast ducts to swell, so this cause cause temporarily larger breasts during menstruation or just before menstruation.

If you've have had your period for a almost 2 years now are your breasts done developing?


How long before period do breasts hurt?

Breast pain is common but not a normal part of the menstrual cycle or menstruation, if you do experience breast tenderness it may be due to hormonal imbalance so check for solutions to this. Your breasts can be tender around ovulation, which occurs around two weeks before your period, and from then up until menstruation or even during menstruation - everyone is different.

Should a girl wear a bra when she gets her period?

No it depends when she start developing breasts

Is iT possible to have your period without blood?

No, it is not possible for you to have a period without blood. Menstruation is the shedding of the uterus lining, which includes blood.

Why do your breasts hurt before a period?

Breasts can become tender before menstruation as a result of hormonal imbalance, higher levels of estrogen can cause the ducts of the breasts to swell and become tender. This is a common symptom of menstruation but shouldn't be considered normal, it can be reduced by regulating hormones or if it continues you should talk to your doctor about the problem.

What does sore breasts mean?

Sore breasts may be an indication of hormonal changes such as ovulation, menstruation, or pregnancy. Sore breasts can also be an indication of breast growth, particularly if you're in your teens.

Why do breast hurt a few days before a mentrul period?

It is common to have the tender breasts before the menstruation. This is due to effect of the progesterone hormone. The tenderness will go away and you expect the menstruation next day. The tenderness persists during the pregnancy.

Is it normal for a 13 year old girls breasts to grow and shrink around her period?

Yes, it is normal to see vatiation in your breast size throughout your entire menstrual cycles but especially around ovulation and menstruation. The breasts are not growing or shrinking, the ducts in the breasts are swelling due to the effect of hormones on the breasts.

Why is the word period used to mean menstruation?

Menstruation comes periodically. That is why it is called as period.

Why do your breast so tendeness when are on your period?

Breasts get tender during menstruation due to hormonal changes, specifically estrogens effect on the ducts in the breasts. If this occurs on a regular basis it is important to regulate hormones or talk to your doctor to make sure everything is normal.

Are you pregnant when you have white menstruation before your menstruation period?

it is called discharge