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Mercury kills indirectly by affecting the brain and central nervous system and the endocrine system and can cause kidney malfunction. It increases the risk of Heart disease, boosts your susceptibility to bacterial, viral, and fungal infections, damages the immune system and can destroy stomach and intestinal epithelial cells. Foetal mercury poisoning problems can be compounded ten-fold when a pregnant woman has mercury amalgam fillings put in or removed during the first trimester of pregnancy.

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11y ago

Most of the time mercury is not an acute toxin (in the sense "eat some, curl up and die"). It's more of a cumulative poison that builds up in your body from repeated exposure and causes neurological (brain) damage, as well as damage to certain other organs.

But, yes: it could potentially wind up killing you.

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Q: Can mercury in fish kill you?
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Can mercury kill fish?

Simple answer is "eventually yes".

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Yes, chlorine can kill fish. Fish can swallow it. Yes, chlorine can kill fish. Fish can swallow it. Yes, chlorine can kill fish. Fish can swallow it.

What is the main source of fish in the us?

The main source of fish is the Mercury fish. The Mercury fish is a tainted fish found widely in the US streams.

Does dori fish contains Mercury?

If the fish is in a mercury- contaminated water. >>none for mercurium!

Explain what Mercury in a fish is?

In some places in the world, mercury is pumped into the ocean as a byproduct of industry. This mercury is then consumed by fish, poisoning the fish. The fish are caught by fishermen and consumed by people, creating a wide range of problems due to the toxic nature of mercury.

What can mercury do?

Mercury can Kill you if you consume it. Mercury used to be used in thermometrs.

What type of fish has the most mercury?

predatory fish, Mercury, once ingested never leaves the body, so it is concentrated in the bodies of fish that eat other fish.

How did the fish kill get its name?

its obviously fish kill means dead fish ..

Can you fish in lakes and oceans?

You sure can. You can fish from a boat or from the shore, but make sure its in a legal area though. You also need to be careful because in some lakes the fish contain high levels of mercury which can make you sick and even kill you.

What substance bioaccumulates in fish?

Mercury bioaccumulates in fish.