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In some places in the world, Mercury is pumped into the ocean as a byproduct of industry. This mercury is then consumed by fish, poisoning the fish. The fish are caught by fishermen and consumed by people, creating a wide range of problems due to the toxic nature of mercury.

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Q: Explain what Mercury in a fish is?
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Do fish have a lot of mercury in it and can affect your pregnancy?

mercury = pregnant = fish

What is the main source of fish in the us?

The main source of fish is the Mercury fish. The Mercury fish is a tainted fish found widely in the US streams.

Does dori fish contains Mercury?

If the fish is in a mercury- contaminated water. >>none for mercurium!

What type of fish has the most mercury?

predatory fish, Mercury, once ingested never leaves the body, so it is concentrated in the bodies of fish that eat other fish.

What substance bioaccumulates in fish?

Mercury bioaccumulates in fish.

What seafood should be avoided due to mercury?

Large predator fish, because they eat smaller fish and the mercury accumulates in the larger fish.

Is eating fish everyday good for health?

Fish is good for you but can also contain high levels of mercury and PCB's. Many websites offer analysis's of mercury levels in fish, just search fish + mercury in Google. Fish like tuna and swordfish can contain very highlevels of mercury. I wouldn't go out of your way to eat fish everyday, but make sure you get at least 2 servings of oily fish a week

Is Mercury found in fish?


Is the mercury in fish the same as the one in the periodic table?

No. The Mercury in fish is actually minerals that come from the surface of the planet closest to the Sun. Mercury, the metal, is just named after the planet.

Mackerel has silvery skin. It looks like containing mercury type of material. Any scientific evidence that the skin contains or does not contain mercury?

No. The silver color is absolutely not due to mercury. When analysis is done on fish, even ones known to be high in mercury, the results are given in parts per BILLION. Even the highest mercury-containing fish (that the FDA advises pregnant people limit or avoid) isn't more than one dozen parts per billion. That is, the fish is .00000012% mercury, an amount that's going to be completely invisible. While the skin of fish probably does contain mercury, it's not anymore than the rest of the fish, and the color is no indicator of mercury content. You cannot estimate the mercury content of fish based on the fish's appearance.

Is there river in Mercury?

mercury in the flesh of the fish it contains a high amount of mercury was a heavy metal that can be toxic to human

Explain how Saturn and Jupiter from mercury?

Saturn and Jupiter are Outer Planets and Mercury is an Inner Planet.