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Mosquito fish are not Goldfish. They are tropical livebearers. They may eat the goldfish food but it is not the right food for them and so will not be good for them.

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Q: Can moquito fish eat goldfish pellets and tropical flakes?
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What does a regular fish eat?

Well, it depends. If it is a tropical fish it needs tropical flakes. If it is a betta fish it needs betta pellets. If it is a algae eater they need algae chips. If it is a fresh water fish it needs fresh water flakes or pellets or goldfish flakes or pellets. They all like freeze dried blood worms as a special treat! It is good to feed a variety of fish foods! Good luck!

How much should goldfish eat?

A goldfish should eat as much flakes or pellets as it can in 2 to 3 minutes twice a day.

Can shrimp pellets and tropical flake food be fed to pond fish?

The pellets yes, the tropical fish flakes, no. Feed it every two or three days.

What does goldfish?

Goldfish will eat anything that is edible to them but feed them fish food, such as flakes and pellets. You can find them at your local pet shop, just ask them for it.

What does fantail goldfish like to eat?

Pellets and flakes... but they ABSOLUTELY LOVE freeze dried blood worms

How much fish food is to much?

For my shubunkin and common goldfish(still small) I bought pond pellets and snap them in half for them to eat. I usually give them about 5(so 10 pieces). When I had tropical fish(warm water) I gave them one pinch of tropical flakes.

What kinds of food is best for goldfish?

Most people feed goldfish fish flakes or pellets. This is fine, as they are filled with nutrients, but fish need variety in their diet like humans. You can feed them peas, lettuce, cucumber, and other vegetables.

WhAt do gouramies eat?

They're omnivorous, so in the aquarium you can feed them general tropical flakes or small pellets.

Are fish flakes or pellets better to feed goldfish?

That is a matter of personal preference. Read the ingredients on the label and make your decision based on the higher the amount of protein the better the food is for goldfish.

What food do you feed goldfish?

There is a lot you can feed your goldfish. First, there are those fish foods at the petstore. Flakes and sinkable pellets. I recommend to use sinkable pellets, because flakes, I think, make the habbit of the goldfish gulping at the top of the tank, which is an unhealthy thing to do. If the goldfish gulp at the surface too much, feed them the insides of boiled frozen peas. I feed my goldfish lettuce sometimes, too. They actually eat it! Goldfish are omnivores, so feeding them vegetables and sometimes occasional live foods will make them healthier!

What should you feed goldfish?

You can feed them on fish flakes or fish pellets. Whichever is easier! If you want more information ask your local pet shop.

What do goldfish eat besides flakes?

Since Goldfish are omnivouros, they can eat a wide variey of food such as brine shrimp, earth worms, lettuce, de-shelled peas, oranges, krill, daphnia, tubifex worms, elodea, duckweed, blood worms, and other shrimps. However, Goldfish flakes provide the important nutrients your goldfish needs on a daily basis. Other foods should be fed once or twice a week as a treat. Also, peas are very good for goldfish and solve most consipation issues.