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Yes. It just means that both parents are heterozygous for rh factor, and each parent passed on the recessive rh negative allele to their child.

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Q: Can mother and father with o blood type have an o negative child?
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If a mother has O negative blood and her child has A positive blood what type of blood should the father have?

The blood would be A+, the child's is always pretty much what the Father's is.

Can b positive child have an a negative father?

Yes, a child with B+ blood can have a father with A- blood. In order for this to occur, the mother would need to be B+ or AB+ and the father would need to be heterozygous.

Father is O positive and Mother is A positive what will child blood type be?

the child blood type will be A the child could be type A or O

If mother has Rh plus blood and father with Rh negtive what would the child be?

The child can have either Rh positive or Rh negative blood. More information is needed on the mother's genotype to know for sure. With the information currently given, the child has a 25% chance of being Rh negative.

Can parents having same blood group 0 positive give birth to a child with blood group 0 negative?

If a mother has blood group 0 positive and the father is also 0 positive can they give birth to a child with blood group 0 negative?

Related questions

Can a father with A-negative blood have a child with A-positive blood?

Yes, a father with A negative blood can have a child with A positive blood. If he does, the mother must have a positive Rh factor, and the mother's blood type may be any of the possibilities.

Can a mother with a negative blood and a father with ab negative blood have a child with b positive blood?


Can a o negative blood type father and a negative blood type mother have o positive child?

I'm not sure how negative or positive is determined, but a B mother and O father can have a B child.

If the mother has O positive blood and the father has A negative blood what should the child have?


Can a father with A negative blood and a mother with B positive blood have a child with B- blood?


Can a mother with a negative blood and a father with o negative blood have a child with a positive blood?

more than 99% not.

Father is A negative blood and mother is O negative what will the child be?

There is a 75% chance the child will be A negative, and a 25% chance the child will be O negative.

Can a mother with o negative blood and b positive father have a child with o negative blood?


Is it possible for a child to have O negative blood if the mother has A positive blood and the father has A positive blood?


Can a child have o positive blood if the mother has A positive and the father has A negative blood?


If a mother has O negative blood and her child has A positive blood what type of blood should the father have?

The blood would be A+, the child's is always pretty much what the Father's is.

Can a parent with O positive and a parent with O negative have any affect on the child?

If the mother has type negative blood, and the father and child have type positive blood, the mother's blood may begin to attack the child's.