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they can, but they usually stay grounded until their young can fend for themselves

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Q: Can mother ducks fly when their babies are young?
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Can a duck fly with her babies on her back?

No ducks can not fly nor glide with their babies on their backs. Geese, Swans and some larger species of Ducks will swim while carrying their young but not fly

How young can an infant fly on an airplane?

I have seen young babies on a plane.

can ducks fly?

Wild ducks and Call ducks can fly. That is because they are not heavy and they are also small. There may be more domestic ducks that can fly besides Call ducks. If you want a duck that can fly clip its wings. Bye!

How do mother bats care for their babies?

They take care of there young by getting food from outside the nest and give it to their babies.This is incorrect. Bats are mammals and they nurse their young until they can fly and find food for themselves.

Why is it that some ducks wont fly?

All ducks can fly, even domestic ones.

Can khaki cambell ducks fly?

Yes, khaki cambell ducks can fly, but not a sustainable flight. They could probably clear a fence, but they wouldn't migrate. That's when they are young. As they get older, they don't fly except under except under extreme conditions.

Can White Peeking ducks fly?

of course they can, almost all ducks can fly except some of the domestic ducks.

What are wood rats babies called?

A young bat is called a pup or kit. Pups can't fly so they either stay in the nest while their mother forages for food or they will cling onto their mother while she is in flight.

Can a mixed breed duck half mallard half domestic fly?

yes the only domestic ducks that can fly are female (and young male) muscovy ducks and call ducks. the rest do not fly.

How are ducks adapted for flying?

because their ducks and ducks fly and also cause they feel like it

Why a duck cannot fly but an albatross can fly?

Ducks can fly!

Why can birds fly and ducks swim?

They are different species of birds well ducks fly to sorry SOME kind of duks fly