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Q: Can muscle cells release glucose to the blood?
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Can glycogen in skeletal muscle be used to supply blood glucose?

Muscle cells lack the enzyme glucose-6-phosphatase, which is required to pass glucose into the blood, so the glycogen they store is destined for internal use and is not shared with other cells. (This is in contrast to liver cells, which, on demand, readily do break down their stored glycogen into glucose and send it through the blood stream as fuel for the brain or muscles).

What is the difference between insulin and glucagon?

Insulin signals blood cells like liver and muscle cells. These are used to accelerate the conversion of glucose to glycogen that's stored in the liver. Glucagon attach themselves to liver cells telling them to convert glycogen to glucose and to release glucose into the blood.

Name one hormone and state its function?

* Insulin - released by pancreas - encourages liver and muscle cells to absorb glucose from the blood; stimulates the conversion of glucose ----> glycogen in liver/muscle cells.

Blood caries what two things to your muscle cells?

Blood carries glucose and oxygen to muscle cells. Muscles require more of these during exercise, and so the heart pumps harder and faster.

Negative feedback with increase in blood glucose?

negative feedback can increase the concentration of glucose in the blood stream. if the blood glucose levels are too low, alpha cells will produce glucagon which causes the liver to break glycogen down into glucose. it is then released into the blood stream which increase the blood glucose levels.if it is too high, the beta cells will produce insulin which causes the liver and muscle cells to form glycogen from glucose. In addition, other cells are encouraged to use glucose in cell respiration rather than fats.both the beta and alpha cells are produced from the pancreas.

The hormone responsible for helping glucose move into cells especially muscle fibers which lowers blood glucose levels when they are too high?


What hormone causes liver cells to release glucose?

The hormone glucagon stimulates the liver to release glucose into the blood when glucose levels are low.

How might your body senses when to convert glucose to glycogen and glycogen back to glucose?

Your body seeks to convert glucose to glycogen and glycogen to glucose based on hormonal signals that are secreted in response to an event. i.e. if you ate tons of sugary food, your body will secrete a hormone called insulin from the beta cells of the pancreas, so that glucose in the blood will be able to be stored as glycogen in the muscle cells.

How do the muscle cells get energy needed to make glycogen?

They use glucose to release energy using respiration.

What is the sensor and integrator and effector of the blood glucose feedback loop?

The sensor in a negative feedback loop monitors the state of the variable, in this case blood glucose. For blood glucose, the sensor as well as the integrator is the Islets of Langerhans, since it contains the alpha and beta cells. Alpha cells produce glucagon, a hormone that acts on the liver to release more glucose into the blood. Beta cells produce insulin, which controls the uptake of glucose into the cells. The effectors respond to the sensor's messages, and act to maintain a variable. The effectors for blood glucose are the cells which take in glucose, as well as the liver.

What is the antidiabetics help to control high blood sugar by reducing glucose production in the liver and by increasing insulin-dependent glucose uptake in muscle cells?


Cells convert the energy from gluecose into?

Glucose is also converted to energy in muscle cells. When it comes to producing energy from glucose, muscle cells are, well, double-jointed