

Best Answer

Depends on song or music

A baby laluby wont

little kid TV show songs wont

Favorite song will

song stuck in head will

song a child learns in school mabey

A carol mabey

A prayer wont

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Q: Can music affect how people sleep?
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Can listening to different types of music before you sleep affect how long you sleep?

yes rock really loud helps sooth you to sleep. Rock helps soothe people to sleep, but there are more calming styles of music that helps soothe one to sleep.

How can music affect typing speed?

Music can affect typing because it slow people

How does music affect the way people sleep?

It messes with your head, so your mind isn't resting it's still working, so you won't sleep as well as you would if you had nothing in the background for you mind to think and effort to.

Does lack of sleep affect people?

Lack of sleep can cause people to get groggy or crabby during the day. It can also affect some peoples growth or immune system.

Is do people run faster with music or with out music a good science fair project?

no, how would music have any affect on anything... well maybe on sleep or concentration. also, there are too many variables involved. i doubt you can find two people with the exact same weight, height, and controled running speed... douche

How does music affect the time it takes to go to sleep?

yes because it is a concentration faliure yes because it is a concentration faliure

How does country music affect people in the US?

their mood/emotions

How does rap music affect god generally?

In general rap music does not affect God. It is the lyrics that people do not like and believes that it offends God. Rap music doesn't affect God. Nothing affects Him...He affects things.

How do music affect every day people?

Scientific research has proved that music helps to lift people's mood. It certainly does to mine.

How did music affect daily African lives?

because music is an integral part of the lives of the african people

Does different music affect how you sleep?

Well, depending on the type of music, music can affect your sleep in a good way. soothing music can help you fall asleep easier, while noisy music like rock can disturb you and cause you to wake up several times in the night. It also depends on how loud the music is, and what ones personal preference of music is. Waking throughout the night is not the only side effect. Other effects include, but are not limited to: psychological disturbance, a change in the sleepers dream (and everyone does dream; it has been proven), and causing mild to severe mood changes that aren't normally in the personality of the sleeper, once the sleeper wakes that is. Well Music has a big effect.for example, try or check them out on YouTube. There relaxing music/sleep music wat ever it is, literally knocks you out in bed.

Can love music affect your sleep?

Yes!! Most definitely. If you're one of those people who like love songs, I'm sure you will drift away. Usually, softer music calms you senses while resting so I don't see any difference in sleeping.