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I'm afraid so! I started feeling as sick as a dog at just 3 and a half weeks. My doctor assured me it was perfectly OK and happens because of all the hormone and physical changes. I had other symptoms of pregnancy too, such as faintness and terrible headaches, again I was assured that all was OK.

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Q: Can nausea occur at 4 weeks pregnant?
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Can you feel morning sickness just after few days of intercourse?

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If you are16 weeks pregnant how many months is that?

...Divide..... 16 weeks pregnant....4 weeks per month... 16/4=4 months.

If you are 16 weeks pregnant how many months is that?

There are 13 weeks in a 3-month period. You are 3 months and 3 weeks pregnant.

If you were 23 weeks pregnant on your ultrasound and went back 4 weeks later how many weeks should you be?

if you are 23 weeks pregnant , then go back 4 weeks later you should be 27 weeks pregnant. Almost 7 months.

How Many weeks are you when your a month pregnant?

4 weeks

What symptoms dop you have at 4 weeks pregnant?

Many women have no symptoms at all. Nausea, morning sickness and missed period are common. Spotting is another symptom that happens with some women.

How many months is 28 weeks pregnant?

4 months and 4 weeks.

If you are early in your pregnancy and your nausea stops should you be concerned?

I had absolutely no nausea with my 1st child, none the whole way through. With my 2nd child, I had 3 full weeks of feeling like I had a stomach virus. It went away after 3-4 weeks and it never returned. I am possibly pregnant now (waiting a few days to test) and I have slight nausea that comes and goes. Every woman is different. Not having nausea is a good thing. =)

How many weeks pregnant is 4 months?

16 weeks!

Is 11 weeks pregnant 3 months pregnant?

Not quite because there are a little more than 4 weeks in a month. About 4 weeks and 3 days. So to be 3 months pregnant you actually have to be 13.5 weeks along.

Can pregnancy occur 4 weeks after curettage?

Yes. If you do not wish to become pregnant you should always use a condom and/or a reliable form of birth control.