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Yes. As far as I know they can live together in ponds, so why not in tanks?

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Q: Can newts live with frogs in the same tank?
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Related questions

What kind of animal might live in a terrarium?

depends on how your tank is set up, from reptiles to frogs, newts and salamanders

Can newts live indoors?

if they are in a proper tank

Can leopard frogs and African dwarf frogs live in the same tank?

I dont think so.

Can newts go in the same tank as other fish?

yes and no it depends

Can guppies and dwarf frogs live in the same tank?

Yes, no problem, just do not overstock the tank.

Can African clawed frogs live in a 20 gallon tank?

African clawed frogs become very big frogs when they reach adulthood. I would say that 2 frogs max would make for a healthy tank.

Where do you keep newts?

Newts live in water but they need to go on to land [[fill a tank up half way or to the platform you Desire for the newt to get air and climb up on]] newts also like plants they prefer real over fake and the only fish you can put in with them in a spacocamis [[suckerfish]] to clean the tank i hope this helped you!

What animals live with fish?

In a tank? Snails, other fish, frogs.

Can fire belly frogs and toads be together?

I have a terrarium with two red eared sliders, and 2 fire bellied toads along with many fish and other aquatic animals. I was wondering the same question. I have had mine living in a 100 gallon tank with my turtles for about a month now and they seem to get along. In fact, today the frogs were hanging onto the shell of my turtle enjoying a nice little ride. As far as I can tell, as long as there is plenty of food in your tank for the turtles to eat and not think of your frogs as prey they should be fine, but like I said I'm not sure.

What type of tank do frogs live in?

frogs may live in different inhabitants. they need a place where they can rest . they need plants. filter. and maby a heater and light .

Can goldfish and fire belly frogs live in the same tank?

Goldfish should only live with goldfish with the exception of weather (dojo) loaches, bristlenose plecos, or mystery/apple snails.

Do you pull the 2 frogs apart in your tank?

Not unless you want to breed them, if the are the same gender that's fine to keep them in the same tank or in different ones