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You must dissolve the marriage according to the laws of your state. Grounds for annulment typically include mental incapacitation, threat, fraud, force, too young, deception, impotency, incest, marriage never consummated, unions of persons too closely related, etc. The grounds must be presented in court by the innocent party within a certain statutory time period. You entered the legal state of matrimony by mutual consent. A court would not look favorably on your admission that you agreed in advance that it would be temporary. In fact, the court may question your motives suspecting them to be to commit a fraud. You will need to end your marriage legally through a divorce proceeding.

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Q: Can one get annulment of the marriage if there was an agreement that it be temporary?
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Can one get annulment if the marriage if there was an agreement that it be temporary?

If you mean: "can one get an annulment in the Catholic Church if there was an agreement between the spouses that the marriage would be temporary" then most likely, yes. Obviously, if such a secret arrangement was made, then neither spouse entered into the marriage validly in the first place, right? The question would be: did the couple marry in the Catholic Church? If so, then they very likely deceived the priest who married them. This, however, would require proof/evidence (i.e., witnesses, etc.) in order to annul the marriage on such grounds. Why would the Church assume that what the couple is saying now is the truth? Maybe they are just looking for any excuse to annul their marriage?

Where could one find an annulment lawyer?

An annulment lawyer can be sought out when a couple declare that their marriage was invalid from the offset. The end result after annulment has been declared, is that the marriage never existed, unlike a divorce when the marriage is just ended.

Can one seek an annulment of a Catholic marriage in any diocese?

You may only seek an annulment from your own Bishop.

Can one start divorce proceedings if their marriage has not been consummated within a week?

An annulment is what one would obtain for an unconsummated marriage.

Can you get an annulment in Alabama?

You can get an annulment in Alabama as long as essential elements are met. One of these elements must be met to get an annulment: 1)physical incapacitation at time of marriage; 2) voluntary abandonment for one years; 3) imprisonment for two years; 4) drug or alcohol addiction; 5) wife pregnant at time of marriage without husband knowing about it--to name a few. If one of the elements is not met, then there will be no annulment. In an annulment, the court declares that there was never a marriage. If you want to go this route, you should definitely speak to an attorney.

Why do early marriage can result to annulment?

A Catholic annulment is only available to someone who can prove that no valid marriage ever existed the first time around. Early marriage would have no bearing on the matter. Added: A legal annulment can occur when one party can prove that the marriage was not entered freely and voluntarily. For example, if one party was under the influence or married under duress. Sometimes a very young person who is married can show that he/she entered the marriage at the insistence of another person and felt that he/she did not have a choice, and will therefore assert that the marriage was entered under duress and seek an annulment.

Does the annulment of previous marriage make the subsequent marriage valid?

No. Once someone has a marriage annulled in civil court the parties are free from each other and any subsequent marriage is valid as long as the subsequent marriage took place afterthe first marriage was annulled.A marriage that was entered while one of the parties was still married (which would be the case prior to an annulment) is null and void. A subsequent annulment of that first marriage would not "cure" the second one. The parties must arrange to get married legally.

What is the difference between divorce and dissolvement of a marriage?

Divorce and Dissolution of marriage mean the same thing. its annulment that is different and the key one for the Catholic Church. Annulment is a separate process through the Church after you get divorced by law.

Can one get alimony if a marriage is annulled?

Some states allow you to receive temporary alimony while the case is pending in court, however, you cannot receive alimony after the annulment has been granted. This is because an annulment declares the marriage to be "void" and erases it as if it never existed under the law. Spousal support cannot be awarded if no valid marriage existed. If you believe you will need spousal support, you may prefer to file for divorce or legal separation as alimony may be awarded in both of these cases.

Can a marriage be annulled for religious reasons?

That depends entirely on what you are asking, how you are defining your terms. An annulment in the Catholic Church is granted for a defect in the original marriage - or before. Such an annulment is just a decree that no valid marriage actually happened. But such an annulment has no weight in most civil governments, and the reasons may or may not be religious. However, if you are asking if a marriage can be annulled, for instance, because one spouse becomes a Christian, then, yes, this is called the Pauline privilege where the marriage is dissolved not annulled. The Petrine privilege is where a valid but non-sacramental marriage is dissolved not annulled in the favor of the faith if one person becomes Catholic and wishes to be baptized.

What is involved with getting a marriage annulment?

Getting an annulment is different from getting a divorce. An annulment can only be obtained if the marriage is perceived as faulty in some way, such as if one partner lied to another to deceive them into marrying, or if they were already married. Most annulments are Catholic, since Catholicism is against divorce. Annulments are a legal process that require you to prove in court that a mistake was made, so you'll need a lawyer. If you are merely unhappy with your marriage and there is no factual mistake or problem, you will need to file for divorce and not annulment.

Is bifurification of marriage good or bad?

A bifurification of a marriage is similar to an annulment. The marriage will be dissolved quickly over a financial crisis with one of the parties. It is very subjective as to whether this is a good or bad practice.