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Yes, this is because Mother Teresa WAS an ordinary person until she felt empathy for the people of the slums of Calcutta, India. She was a nun which was normal. But she was one of the most socially active nuns, going from one assignment to another, still committed to helping the poor.

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Q: Can ordinary people be as committed as Mother Teresa?
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People who pray for Mother Teresa are praying that she be canonized a saint soon.

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Did Mother Teresa say 'If you judge people you have no time to love them' in a speech?

Yes, that quote is attributed to Mother Teresa. For more quotes from Mother Teresa, see the link below.

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Why did people start calling Mother Teresa Mother Teresa?

Teresa was the name she chose upon becoming a nun. The title 'Mother' was a title given by the Sisters of Loreto to all nuns in the order.

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That would be a bit difficult as Mother Teresa died in 1997.

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because she helped people