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It means that you are really fertile at this point.

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Q: Can ovulation symptoms occur while fertility period........ what does it mean?
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How can you get pregnant if on period?

Ovulation can occur at any point during your cycle. Even during your period.

Can you still get pregnant if you have not started your period yet?

No. ovulation has to occur in order for pregnancy to be possible.

How related fertility and menstrual cycle?

They are entirely related. The previous answer that it's ultimately "God's will" and science is only "sort of" involved in fertility is complete nonsense; the entire menstrual process explains in detail when and how fertility occur. In other words, depending on where in your menstrual cycle you are, you will be more or less likely to become pregnant (less likely during your period and just after, more likely during ovulation).

If you have not ever started your period yet can you still get pregnant?

No. ovulation has to occur in order for pregnancy to be possible.

Do you ovulate before your period or after?

Ovulation can occur at anytime, but is most common just before the menstrual period.

Is cramps a sign that ovulation is about to occur?

Yes. I get cramps a week before my period. It's whe you are ovulating.

Why ovulation do not occur before menarche?

Ovulation does occur before menarche. Menarche is the term used to describe a girls first period, menstruation will only occur if the woman ovulates. With that said some people will experience vaginal bleeding as a result of hormonal imbalance which will look like menstruation but without ovulation occurring beforehand, and sometimes we call that menarche - because we've no way of knowing if ovulation had occurred.

What are the symptoms during the second week of pregnancy?

Here are some of the symptoms that might occur during the second week of pregnancy: * Increased fatigue * Missed period * Nausea * Breast tenderness * Frequent need to urinate * Metallic taste in mouth * Sleep disturbances * Increased temperature that remains elevated after ovulation

Is it easier to get preagnant before your period or after?

Day 1 of your cycle is the day you start your period, followed by ovulation. About 14 days after ovulation you will have your next period if you are not pregnant, beginning the cycle over again. Ovulation is the phase of the cycle when pregnancy can occur and this comes after your period.

Can you get pregnant during menses?

Yes you can. Ovulation normally occurs on day 14 of the cycle if the period is regular. However, ovulation may potentially occur at anytime during the cycle and lead to pregnancy.

How soon does the implantation period begin?

As soon as the egg is fertilized it begins to travel down to the uterus, this can occur about 12-36 hours after ovulation. Then actual implantation can be between 7 and 11 days after ovulation. answer its not a period its a tiny weeny bit of blood