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Yes, because they usually live in China Tibet areas, so its what we like to call warm there. Winters aren't as harsh in China as they are in North America/Europe. The ones who live in zoos have plenty since we supply it to them, we being humans. Hope I answered your question.

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Q: Can pandas find bamboo easily in winter?
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Where can pandas find their food?

Bamboo forests.

What the panda eat?

Pandas eat like we do. They eat their greens and some times they eat meat. Their favourate food is bamboo. Bamboo often grow in China and pandas live in China, deep in the forests, jungles and woods. Most of the time pandas can find bamboo easily but since the big freeze in 2009/2010 it was hard for the pandas to find it. So that is what pandas eat. :)

Do pandas eat vines?

Yes, pandas do eat vines if they can't find bamboo.

Where do pandas find bamboo?

pandas get bamboo from their forrests. the pandas live on it. sadly,poachers or meanies cut down their food and some starve. hopefully, in the future they will re-populate!

How can the need of food for pandas be met?

Since Pandas eat bamboo, then humans and animals need to find a way to plant more bamboo seeds so pandas can eat more and reproduce.

What problems can the giant panda's bamboo diet cause?

Bamboo is very tough and pandas find it hard to digest

Where is the most common place to find pandas?

China in Bamboo forests =D

What pandas mostly do?

Pandas spend the majority of their day eating bamboo. Pandas are mostly known for having a voracious appetite for bamboo.

What types of foods to pandas eat?

Pandas usually eat bamboo(a plant), but if they can not find any they will usually eat leaves. =D

What are Some Good Questions To Ask About Pandas?

Here are some good questions:What type of animal is a panda?Where do pandas live?What do pandas eat?How do pandas find food?How do pandas protect themselves?How do pandas care for their young?Why are pandas endangered?

What special abilities do pandas have?

Pandas have a unique "thumb" that helps them grip bamboo, their primary food source. They also have a strong sense of smell that helps them find food and communicate with other pandas. Additionally, pandas have strong jaw muscles to chew tough bamboo.

How do pands find their food?

If you are talking about a panda, usually bamboo surrounds them. They live up in the mountains of central China, usually in panda reserves where they can't hurt pandas or cut down bamboo. Otherwise in zoos, their care takers give them their food.