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Yes and no, depending on the circumstances. Not if the child was adopted.

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Q: Can parental rights be given back to a parent that has relinquished them?
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Is it required for the biological father to be notified of a custody battle if he has chosen not to be involved in the child's life?

There can be no suit for custodial rights unless the biological parents have been notified of the action and given a chance to respond and/or file a countersuit. An exception of the law might be, if the biological parent has voluntarily relinquished parental rights and the court has agreed or the court has issued an order permanently terminating parental rights to the child in question.

When giving up parental rights does child support still apply?

If you are still finically responsible then a parent should have some rights. Even if it is supervised visits. other wise go after the parent who still has rights, not the one who has given up or lost their rights.

Is it legal in Alabama for a mother to relinguish her parental rights to another adult individual that lives out of state?

I am presuming that you're asking if one parent can relinquish her parental rights and basically give the child to another adult who is unrelated and not the child's other parent. The basic rule is that if one parent terminates her rights then the other parent has those rights unless the rights of that adult were previously terminated. I am sure that in any case the adult to whom the child was given must officially adopt the child by going through certain judicial proceedings.

Is it kidnapping if the father goes and gets his child from out of state from the steparent if they have no rights when the mother has died?

The father should consult with an attorney but unless he has been declared an unfit parent by the court with jurisdiction over the child, or he has given up his parental rights, he would be the primary choice for custody of the child.The father should consult with an attorney but unless he has been declared an unfit parent by the court with jurisdiction over the child, or he has given up his parental rights, he would be the primary choice for custody of the child.The father should consult with an attorney but unless he has been declared an unfit parent by the court with jurisdiction over the child, or he has given up his parental rights, he would be the primary choice for custody of the child.The father should consult with an attorney but unless he has been declared an unfit parent by the court with jurisdiction over the child, or he has given up his parental rights, he would be the primary choice for custody of the child.

Does a parent have to be married in order for other parent to sign parental rights over?

Don't know if I'm right on this but it seems like you have things a bit mixed up so I will give several answers:- If you want to give up your parental rights the other parent does not have to be married for you to do so. Both parents have parental rights so you can't sign those over the already biological parent. If they have been removed by the court or he/she have given them up, it's up to the court to decide if they can get it back. You cannot give them your parental rights.- If you are giving up your parental rights so the new partner of your ex can adopt, it depends on the law of that state if boyfriend/girlfriend is allowed to adopt or not when unmarried. They will be evaluated and the court finally decides.- If you mean signing custody over to your ex, no he/she does not have to be married and can openly live with their new boyfriend/girlfriend.

Is there a website available to contact your child that you have given up parental rights?

If a parent has lifetime rights to live in the house given to the child can the parent sell the property in North Carolina?

If it was given to the child, then no.

When children are born does both parents receive joint custody automatically in Virginia?

If the couple is married they both have equal parental rights. In Virginia, an unmarried mother is presumed to have custody. Once the paternity of the father has been established legally through the court he can request custody. The court will make a determination of physical custody based solely on the best interest of the child. See related link for more information.

I want to live with my step father but he has no parental rights?

Probably not. In most places, unless your natural father has lost or given up his rights and the step father actually adopted you, he has no parental rights (he was merely your mother's husband.)

Is the non custodian parent allowed to refuse the child to be changed the surname to the stepfather?

This is based on prevailing law in the United States. If you live elsewhere, you should so indicate. Yes, they may refuse if the non-custodial parent did not relinquish their parental rights either voluntarily or involuntarily in preparation for adoption or otherwise give their permission as a matter of court record. If the stepfather is legally adopting the child (which could only happen with consent of the non-custodial parent and only if parental rights were terminated), then the right to change the child's surname is given.

Can a parent in Michigan give up his parental rights and not pay child support?

Even if you've given up parental rights, you'll still have to pay child support if it's been determined that you are the biological father. Child support is not payment to see the child. It's designed to help the primary custodial parent support the child in a single parent household.

If a biological father gives up all access and entitlement to information about them is that giving up his parental rights. Permission for adoption has already been given for new husband.?

Yes That Is Giving Up Parental Rights.