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Q: Can passive transport reach equilibrium
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Related questions

When does passive transport come to a stop?

When the two sides reach equilibrium.

Why is the term 'equilibrium' used with passive but not active transport?

I think because passive transport doesn't require energy and active does.

What is an example of passive transport across a cell membrane?

Osmosis is a type of passive transport. It is specialized diffusion. It can occur through the membrane itself. Or through an aquaporin channel protein. Other forms of passive transport include: simple diffusion and facilitated (uses channel protein) diffusion.

How are diffusion and osmosis process the same?

Both involve passive transport: The movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration in order to reach a state of equilibrium.

Is diffusion a form of passive transport?

when diffusion occurs it is because the substance is trying to reach equilibrium, where everything is equally spread out on both sides of a cell membrane. things naturally want to be at equilibrium in nature so this happens automatically and doesn't require any energy. and that is the definition of passive transport transportation of a substance through a cell membrane that doesn't require any energy.

Is transport proteins active transport or passive transport?


What is the diffusion of particles without the use of energy?

Osmosis is an example of movement of particles from an area without the need of additional energy. If a state is not in equilibrium particles can move from one area to another without additional energy.

Is water an active or passive transport?

It is passive transport because of the diffusion.

Facilitated diffusion is a example of?

Passive transport & follow me on Twitter at BruhMann_

What does the passive in passive transport mean?

Passive Transport is the movement of molecules down a concentration gradient from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration until equilibrium is reached. Some examples are diffusion and osmosis. Basically, it's a movement of molecules across a membrane that doesn't require energy (ATP)

Is transport proteins a passive transport?

Carrier proteins can be involved in passive transport.

What are passive and active transport?

Passive transport and active transport are transport of materials across membranes. Passive requires no energy, while active does.