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Yeah - you'll be charged with theft of some form. If the vehicle has a high enough value, it could amount to Grand Theft. When there is a lien on your vehicle, you don't actually own it - the lienholder does. If you fail to make your payments, the lienholder has a right to repossess what is already their property. You try taking it back, you're committing theft. You've lost any and all rights to that vehicle, and it is no longer yours in any sense of the word once a repossession agent takes possession of that vehicle.

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Q: Can people be charged with a crime for taking back a repossessed car?
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you are charged with a crime after you have been arrested on suspicion of said crime.

Can people be charged with a crime for taking back a repossessed car?

Yeah - you'll be charged with theft of some form. If the vehicle has a high enough value, it could amount to Grand Theft. When there is a lien on your vehicle, you don't actually own it - the lienholder does. If you fail to make your payments, the lienholder has a right to repossess what it already their property. You try taking it back, you're committing theft. You've lost any and all rights to that vehicle, and it is no longer yours in any sense of the word once a repossession agent takes possession of that vehicle.

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The official crime he was charged with was Gross indecency.

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While he was caught in a picture taking a hit from a bong, the local prosecutors' office has declined to charge him with any crime. It does not appear that anyone was charged in this case.

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Yes. The crime is "Aiding and Abetting."

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Only the person who is committing the crime using a robot will be charged.

Can a person be charged with obstuction if they know for a fact that a crime was committed but waited to report the crime?

Yes a person can be charged with a crime

Can someone who robs a person who just robbed a bank be charged with the crime of robbery?

Yes. That person is still taking something that is not theirs. The first robber will be charged with the bigger crime for which the penalty is harsh. The second one will still face charges, but not of bank robbery.

Can two people be charged with the same case or is that double jeopady?

Two people can be charged with the same crime. Double Jeopardy refers to charging one person with something, the accused being found not guilty in a trial, then being charged with the same crime again - without any new evidence.

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It can be, it depends on the photo and the context.

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it depends on the crime