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== * Spelling and grammar may seem trivial, but good grammar and correct spelling is very important for connecting users to the information they seek. * ** If one person asks "Repare flat tir on 87 Camero?" all the people who are searching for "flat tire" or "1987 Camaro" won't be able to find it. A contributor might have spent time writing out a helpful, thoughtful answer that only a few people will ever see. * Make questions as universal and generic as possible. * ** Let's say someone asks "How do you change the oil on a blue-striped 1987 Camaro in Peoria Illinois?" The question and its answer would be just as applicable if the car had a different paint job or if the owner lived somewhere other than Peoria. So, the question would be better worded as "How do you change the oil in a 1987 Camaro?" * Avoid opinion questions. By definition, these can't be answered objectively; it is easy to convert a question that asks for an opinion to one that asks about opinions. * ** You can change "What do you think about the Iraq War?" to "What are opinions on the Iraq war?" or "What are arguments for and against US involvement in Iraq?" * Use a general format for similar questions. * ** Instead of having different formats for questions with similar directions, like... ** *** Meaning of Italy's flag colors? *** What does France's flag colors mean? *** Colors of Japan's flag means what? *** ...they could be edited to read: *** What do the colors of the flag of Italy represent? *** What do the colors of the flag of France represent? *** What do the colors of the flag of Japan represent?

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Yes, certain parts can be edited. Messages in a message board and someone's bio page examples of places that cannot be edited.

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Yes, that is what a wiki is. An answer will be changed and improved upon over time.

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Is it true people change answers on WikiAnswers?

Yes, people change answers on WikiAnswers all of the time. It is to better the quality of the answer. So, yes, it is completely true.

How can we change WikiAnswers to include answers which direct people to the resources which will help them answer the question themselves aka teach people how to learn?

By changing WikiAnswers into the Google homepage.

Do WikiAnswers have answers for everything?

no... it only answers what people can and will answer

Why are there locked questions in WikiAnswers?

Some questions attract vandalism, when people change good answers to nonsense. Therefore, those answers are 'locked'.

Who is giving answers on WikiAnswers?

The people that are logged into Wikianswers, of course.

Is WikiAnswers for dorks?

no its for people who want answers

Do people put bad answers on WikiAnswers?

I'm afraid so. Some people can't be trusted. Vandals put bad answers on WikiAnswers.

Does WikiAnswers have fake answers?

some people on wikianswers think it is funny to put in wrong answers. we have supervisers that find bad answers and make them right.

How do you correct answers on WikiAnswers?

To make answers on WikiAnswers right, you click on 'improve answer' when you see an incorrect answer, and then you can change it. The 'improve answer button is located just beneath the answer to a question.

Do you have to have an account on WikiAnswers to change other answers?

Yes, it is the only way you can do it.

How many people usually find answers on WikiAnswers?

over 500 people find answer on wiki answers.

What other sites - apart from WikiAnswers - can help you with the answers you need?

Yahoo! Answers is also a good site, other than WikiAnswers. But I recommend WikiAnswers over Yahoo! Answers. WikiAnswers is the best Q&A site and it has the best community. Yahoo! Answers isn't always correct, as well, and you cannot change the answers or spellings on there. On WikiAnswers, you can edit about everything to make the site better. Yahoo! Answers you can't, and it is a poor Q&A site.