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People cannot receive blood that is completely different from their own. However, if you blood contains a certain type, or, even more so, if you are type O you are able to give to multiple blood types.

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Q: Can people receive blood other than their own blood type?
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What type of kidney can blood group O positive receive?

People with O+ blood can receive either O+ or 0- blood, but an organ match requires more than just the right blood type.

What is the benefit to having AB blood type?

it means that if anything were to happen to you and you ended up needing a blood transfusion the doctors can treat you more easily than people with other blood types. people with AB blood are called "universal recipients" because they can receive blood that has been donated by anyone and their body will not reject it

I have blood type A, and I know that somehow type A is different from the other types, but I would like to know what they are.?

If you have blood type a you can donate blood to other people who have type a blood and to people who have type ab blood. People with type a blood are said to have thicker blood than the other blood types.

What factors determine the compatibility of blood types for transfusion?

Blood type is determined by the type of antigen

Why does DNA testing of blood lead to a more reliable match of blood to suspect than does blood typing?

No matter what blood type a suspect is, there are other people with the same blood type. So blood type does not positively identify any single person. By contrast, other than identical twins, no two people have the same DNA.

Which blood type is the rarest?

AB Negative is the rarest blood type with less than one percent of the population having that type. However, the person with this type of blood can also receive several other types.

What blood type can blood type ab receive?

Type ab blood can receive types a, b, ab, and o blood, not just type ab blood. Type ab is known as the "universal receiver", as it can receive any blood type, while type o is the "universal donor", meaning type o can be given to any person.

Which of the following blood type can be given to a patient with B- blood?

blood type O can give to anyone because they are the universal donor. and blood type AB- can give to blood type AB-. *Another user says... Because the rhesus factor is negative, this blood type can receive any type of blood other than the types with positive rhesus factors. In other words, O-, A-, B-, and AB-. Hope this helps!

Why other people that the color of the blood is blue?

No one has truly blue blood. De oxygenated blood is 'bluer' than oxygenated blood. The phrase 'blue blood' often refers to royalty.

What two blood types are not compatible?

More than just two blood types are not compatible with each other. The four basic types of blood are: A, B, AB, O(not counting Rh). Type A blood can only receive blood from type A and type O. However, type A blood can donate their blood to type A and type AB. Type B blood can only receive blood from type B and type O. However, type B blood can donate their blood to type B and type AB. Type AB blood can receive blood from every type, A, B, AB, and O. However, type AB blood can only donate to other AB. Type O blood can only receive blood from type O. However, type O can donate their blood to A, B, AB, and O. So, AB is the "universal" reciepient and O is the "universal" donor.

Is there such a thing as Jewish blood?

If you consider just the blood itself, no, there is no kind of blood other than simply human blood in any human. If you go beyond that, then maybe you could consider some people to have "Jewish" blood.

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