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Ye, people can and do survive in the Libyan Desert.

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Q: Can people survive in the Libyan Desert?
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The Libyan Desert is on which continent?

The Libyan Desert is in Africa.

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What is the Libyan Desert named?

The Libyan Desert is called the Libyan Desert. It is a part of the larger Sahara of northern Africa.

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The Libyan desert

On which continent is the Libyan Desert located?

The Libyan Desert is in north Africa.Africa.

In which country is the Libyan Desert found?

The Libyan Desert is in Libya and Egypt. It is part of the Sahara Desert.

Which desert is found in the African country of Egypt?

The Libyan Desert which is part of the Sahara located in Africa.

What is are the 2 deserts that surrounds Egypt?

Sahara Desert, Libyan Desert, Nubian Desert.

Where is the Libyan Desert found?

The Libyan Desert covers nearly all of the country Libya.

Which country is in the Libyan Desert?

The Libyan Desert, which is a part of the Sahara, is located in Libya and Egypt.

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What country is Libyan desert in?

The Libyan Desert is part of the larger Sahara that lies in Egypt and Libya.