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i have proper guinea pig shampoo called 'gorgeous guineas) you can get conditioner as well

wash hair twice with shampoo.

Of course, the above answer has nothing to do with what the question is actually asking. It is asking if dog shampoo can be used on pigs (as in swine, not the domesticated rodent). It is possible for you to use dog shampoo on swine, but for best results, I would use shampoo specifically designed for our swine brethren. It helps clear their skin of dandruff and flakes, and for added shine use Sullivan Brand "Sudden Impact" spray. Actually, any "Sullivan Supply" product is good at grooming swine.

Source: Raised show pigs for 5+ years.

But, if the question did pertain to guinea pigs, see TOP answer.

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Q: Can pigs be washed with dog shampoo?
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It may be due to being cold as Chihuahuas come from hot countries. Has he/she had a bath? If the shampoo isn't washed off properly it can cause it to shake as the shampoo absorbs into the skin and poisons the dog.

Are guinea pigs odourless?

Most of the time guinea pigs don't have an odour as long as you clean their cage often. If they are still stinky, you can always give them a bath. If you want to give then a bath you should either use bunny, kitten or ferret shampoo, dog shampoo is too strong and natural shampoo is the best for them.

Would a mild body shampoo for a human hurt a dog?

no, I've washed my dog with it several times, doesn't effect it. Although, it may depend on the dog, but I doubt it. If you run short of dog shampoo then it won't hurt the dog, but don't make a habit of it. Shampoos bought in stores isn't all that great for human hair and won't be on your dog. You could end up with the dog have skin problems. I go to a pet store and buy an Oatmeal based dog shampoo which doesn't strip the oils in the dog's skin.

Can you use mild shampoo to give your guinea pig a bath?

I prefer to use a special shampoo for small animals think it is by Johnson and Johnson the one i use it is very mild and safe to use on guinea pigs. never use human, dog or cat shampoos on guinea pigs.

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what i mean there detergent in this dog shampoo?

What shampoo has pH of 7 to 14?

Dog shampoo.

Your dog was peed on by another dog?

Just wash your dog with Johnston's baby shampoo or other dog shampoo and rinse very well.

What happens if your dog eats shampoo?

If your dog eats shampoo nothing happens. When I'm in my bath I let my dog eat the extra marks pf shampoo I leave on the side

Can you give guinea pigs a bath without any special shampoo?

yes you can give a guinea pig a bath with just water but they will not be as clean as when you give them a bath with shampoo and yes they do make special shampoo for guinea pigs don't use normal soap on guinea pigs you can find this special soap at petsmart in the guinea pig area

Your Bengal cat is very good friends with your American Spanial dog however he just came back from grooming parlor after being clipped very short after 4 days cat is still terrified of him?

If they washed the dog, maybe it's the shampoo they used. If that is the case, I would say that cat will start acting normal around the dog when the shampoo smell wears off.