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No. They could not under the current regime of life on Earth. Bacteria, in their symbiotic, detrivorous, and other roles are critical to the life functions of plants and animals.

If all bacteria were to die out, it is likely that everything living on the planet would die out. Oddly enough, the bacteria could survive without animals or plants.

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Q: Can plants and and animals survive without bacteria?
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Yes. Mankind could not survive without them.

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no one in this world can answer this question . No animal can survive without plants and no plants can survive without animals because animals get their food to eat, air(oxygen) to breath from plants and many more, and plants also need air(Carbon Dioxide) to breath, nutrition from soil,etc.

Can animals survive without plants?

No, for different reasons. Plants create oxygen through a process called photosynthesis, which is crucial to survive. They also produce food for herbivores, which, in turn, is food for carnivores.

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No because animals eat plants so if animals didnt eat plants the plants would die unless watered.

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Lost if not all marine animals are aerobic. This means that without oxygen they will die. As only plants and some species of fungi or bacteria produce oxygen, without plants (water dwelling plants) then aquatic animals would die.

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not really cause plants grown from the sun and water but mostly the sun and the sun helps the plants grown so then the plants give energy to animals so the animals will live so no organisms can not survive without energy from the sun

How do plants survive without water?

Plants have the ability to retain water because of a special structure called a cuticle.