

Best Answer

Yes, absolutely. Keep in mind that avoiding junk food is equally important.

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Q: Can playing basketball help you lose body fat?
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How does basketball help muscclar endurance?

Basketball, well, depending on who you are it will have different effects on your body. Some people will get bad knees and others will stay fit or possibly lose weight.

How many pounds can you lose by playing basketball?

The answer to your questions depends how often are you playing basketball. You may lose higher number of pounds if you do it everyday. It all depends how active you are plus a sincere dieting. Hope that helps! :)

How can a teen lose body fat?

A teen can lose body fat by eating reasonable amounts of a balanced diet. It will also help to be active, riding a bike, playing sports, or just walking more.

Can you lose weght in 2 months for playing basketball?

yes, but you'll have to realistic about how much you can lose in a short space of time. Sensible eating and exercise is the best way to lose weight and keep it off. If you starve yourself for 2 months you could make yourself ill and you're more likely to put it all (and more) back on again!

Does lecithin help lose body fat?

scrwew it have a kfc

Will fewer calories help lose body fat?

With exercise it can, yes.

Does a cross trainer help lose weight on your whole body?


How does work out help?

You lose body weight which helps you live longer

How does help work?

You lose body weight which helps you live longer

Can running in basketball help you lose weight?

Of course you can in theory I believe the more you sweat the more you lose weight but dont forget to drink lots of water to stay hydrated

How can you get a bikini body?

Proper diet and exercise can help a person lose weight and gain a bikini body.

What are the benefits of playing basketball?

Improving your fitness with basketball you are gaining some physical benefits Basketball is a great cardiovascular workout. You are running and jumping and that really works the heart and lungs. You are getting your blood pumping and your breathing is accelerated. It is an amazing workout for your body. You also get the benefits of strengthen your muscles, increasing your flexibility and burning fat. Additionally, you are increasing your speed and agility. You are learning to move in new ways and that is a great benefit to your body.