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It's possible depending on amount and type.

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Q: Can poison in stomach kill someone?
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i hope not

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If someone puts poison in it, it can

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How should arsenic poison be given to kill someone?

70-200 mg

Can poison in minecraft kill you?

No, poison will leave you on half a heart, it will not kill you.

Can you kill someone with your tongue?

Yes if you poison on it and lick somebody esles tongue or have a knife on it and stab somebody.

Can towels kill you?

You can shove it down someone's throat, then as the stomach starts to digest it, pull it out. It will take the person's stomach lining out with the towel.

How can you kill pigeons with rat poison?

To kill the pigeons with rat poison, you will have to poison their food with the rat poison. You can poison the water that the pigeons drink and the cereals that the pigeons eat.

What does Lady Capulet say she will do to kill Romeo?

Lady Capulet says she will send someone to Mantua to poison Romeo.

Why is your three year old complaining of stomach problems?

Poison. Attention. Confusion between different parts of the body. Desire to be just like someone else they admire who also has stomach problems.

How many men can the Spitting Cobra kill with its poison kill with its poison?

30 FYI venom

Can rat poison kill pigeons?

it will kill it.