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Q: Can prednisone and buffered aspirin be used in combination for dogs?
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Can you give your dog Bufferin?

No - Bufferin is buffered aspirin and can be fatal to dogs.

Is buffered aspirin ok for dogs?

No, aspirin (even buffered aspirin) is very dangerous to dogs. Even a single pill can be enough to cause a fatal stomach ulcer.

Why is buffered aspirin used?

In veterinary medicine, aspirin is avoided due to companion animals (ie, dogs and cats) being much more sensitive to the negative side effects.

How many baby aspiring instead of regular aspirin?

How much you give of either buffered adult aspirin or baby aspirins depends on the weight of your dog: A dog that weighs 8 lbs, would get 1/2 baby aspirin or less. A dog weighing 16 lbs, would get 1 baby aspirin. A dog weighing 32 lbs, would get 1/2 buffered adult aspirin or 2 baby aspirins. A dog weighing 48 lbs, would get 3/4 buffered adult aspirin or 3 baby aspirins. A dog weighing 64 lbs, would get 1 buffered adult aspirin or 4 baby aspirins. A dog weighing 80 lbs, would get 1 1/4 buffered adult aspirin or 5 baby aspirins. A dog weighing 96 lbs, would get 1 1/2 buffered adult aspirin or 6 baby aspirins. Aspirin can cause gastrointestinal upsets and ulcers in dogs, just as in humans. You should pay attention to your dog's eating habits when you have been giving it aspirin to watch for signs of an upset stomach (such as not wanting to eat, or vomiting) and stop giving the aspirin. To minimize stomach problems, always give food with the aspirin.

Can dogs take Tylenol or ibpuhen?

No, never give Tylenol or ibuprofen to your pet. They are dangerous to the dog. Only use a buffered regular aspirin. It must be buffered too or will cause ulcers or other stomach problems in the dog's stomach. Be sure to check with your Veterinarian as to why you are giving your dog aspirin or want to. The Vet has many pain relievers that are appropriate to what is causing the dog's pain. A good check up, if not already done, is in order with your Veterinarian. You also need to check with your Vet as to what dosage to give of the buffered aspirin.

How much ibprofun can I give an 80lb dog?

Ibuprofen is not safe for dogs, it can cause stomach and kidney problems. A vet may recommend buffered aspirin, and aspirin can be purchased at pet stores as well. If your dog is in pain, see a vet - they should be able to provide you with safer alternatives.

Pain medications for dogs?

The most common pain medication for dogs is buffered aspirin, made for dogs, so it is chewable and is measured by their body weight. Such as Tablets of 600 mgs. that can be broken in quarters, a whole tablet for a dog that weighs 60 pounds usually. I recommend the buffered only, because your dog can't tell you when his stomach is bothering him, so you have no warning if the aspirin is doing any damage. There are some side effects with pro-longed use, and you should see your Vet if you need to use it on an on going bases, but as a anti-flamitory, and/or fever reducer for short term, use the Buffered Aspirin for Dogs. Make sure you weigh your dog before giving them the medication so, you give the proper amount. Also, check the bottle to see if it is a time release formula, many brands you need only give twice a day. If it appears that your dog needs stronger medication you need to check with your vet, there are other meds. they can give for more intense pain, and they are very effective. But you will need to have your dog checked in order to determine the level of medication needed. Finally, if after giving the buffered aspirin, your dog has diarrhea or vomiting, stop giving them the buffered aspirin and call your vet, and make sure you have the name of the medication with you. *** Do Not Use this Medication For Cats!***

Can you give a buffered pain killer to your dog?

Answer by sawboy_buckWith regards to medication, it is always best to consult your vet first and foremost. There are painkillers and similar medication made specifically for dogs and your vet will know what medication and course of action to take in cases like these.AnswerPlease do not give human medication to a dog. AnswerYou can give dogs aspirin. They sell "dog aspirin" at the pet store. It's exactly the same as the 81mg children's/low dose aspirin for humans. The low dose stuff is buffered so that helps with tummy upset. Do not ever give animals Tylenol or any other Acetaminophen products. Ever. It can be fatal.

Where do you get prednisone for dogs?

You can try online stores that sell legit prednisone drugs at affordable prices.

Does Prednisone in dogs cause excess panting?

ABSOLUTELY! It is one of the most common side effects of prednisone in dogs and has absolutely nothing to do with how hot or cold the environment is.

Is it OK to give your dog 0.4 ml of aspirin?

Yes, yes it is. How much aspirin a dog can have depends on it's size and weight! If you are doubt about how much aspirin to give your dog, call your vet's office and ask them. Regular strength buffered or baby aspirins should be used, not "safety coated" aspirin. Always give aspirin with food, to help avoid an upset stomach. If the dog starts to vomit, stop giving it aspirin. Aspirin has blood thinning properties, so it can be dangerous in some dogs. For long term pain relief there are safer veterinary-specific alternatives.

What anti-inflammatory can you give dogs?

Buffered aspirin is fine to give to a dog. Ask your veterinarian for the proper dosage based on your dog's size.