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Yes, yes it is.

How much aspirin a dog can have depends on it's size and weight! If you are doubt about how much aspirin to give your dog, call your vet's office and ask them.

Regular strength buffered or baby aspirins should be used, not "safety coated" aspirin. Always give aspirin with food, to help avoid an upset stomach. If the dog starts to vomit, stop giving it aspirin.

Aspirin has blood thinning properties, so it can be dangerous in some dogs. For long term pain relief there are safer veterinary-specific alternatives.

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Q: Is it OK to give your dog 0.4 ml of aspirin?
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2nd Answer: Never give human pills to dogs. Check with your Veterinarian before giving your dog any medication made for humans or better yet, take your dog in to see your Veterinarian if you feel your pet needs something. NEVER give advil to your dog. You can give buffered aspirin and that is about it. 1st Answer: they can but only like advil, and only if the vet says its ok.

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