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The child support (if actually being paid) probably exceeds what she would receive in welfare; however, she's probably eligible for Medicaid.

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Q: Can pregnant child collect welfare and child support?
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Can a father work and collect welfare on a child he has shared custody and mom pay child support?

Yes, if the father has more time with the child than the mother, she will owe him child support.

Can you move to a different state and collect welfare?

My X is planning on moving from California to Hawaii with our son. He has primary custody. Our son has not finished Highschool yet. He is collecting child support here in California from me, and is on unemployment too. I believe he will move to Hawaii and try to collect welfare too. Can he move to Hawaii and collect welfare and get his child support amounts raised to Hawaii's current level? Thank You!

A 16 year old girl is pregnant collect child support 23years old boyfriend?

Yes he has to pay child support.

Can a person collect SSI and Welfare at the same time in PA?

Yes, I know of someone that Collects Child support SSI and Welfare. Messed up huh

Can a decreed irrevocable waiver of child support be revoked?

Yes, when the primary parent goes on Welfare. Authority to collect is transferred to them.

Can primary parent get child support from disabled parent on welfare?

The non-custodial parent will still owe child support, even if he or she is disabled and on welfare. However, most states will not garnish needs-based assistance such as disability or welfare payments. So if the parent is not working and does not pay his or her court-ordered child support, it would be difficult for the state to collect. He or she might still be arrested and jailed for failure to pay.

Does the non custodial parent have to pay child support if the collect welfare?

Yes they still try to collect in any way they can. If you don't pay it then it goes to owed child support. They don't care if you don't have a job. Also they can put a lien on all your personal property.

What is a child support check?

A child support check is like a Welfare check

What if they do not work and they have a child?

Are you asking for information on how to get Welfare? Or child support?

If you have court orders for child support and the ex husband has been incarcerated in Utah is there any type of support available?

Only if you can collect Welfare. Child support cannot be collected from, or arrears accumulate on, a person in prison according to Judge David Grey Ross, Commissioner of the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement.

You live in Chicago and your child moved to Mexico only for a year can you still collect child support here in Chicago?

If your child is not living with you, you are not eligible to collect child support. The child support should go to whomever is caring for the child.

Can you collect child support at age 28?

Your custodial parent can collect unpaid support that accrued under an order. Support sometimes continues after the child becomes an adult if the child is disabled.