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Q: Can president bush run for governor?
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How long was George Bush governor?

George Bush was Texas Governor from 1995-2000, when he resigned to run for President.

What state was George W. Bush governor before he was the president?

Texas. Bush was governor of Texas before he ran for President.

What job did George Bush have before becoming president?

President Bush was the governor of Texas.

Which bush was a governor before becoming president?

George W. Bush, Jr. was Governor of Texas before becoming President of the United States.

Who was governor of Florida when Gore lost to Bush?

President Bush' brother Zeb Bush.

What relationship to President Bush is the mayor of Florida?

The former Governor Jeb Bush was President George W. Bush's brother.

What president was the governor of Texas from 1995 to 2001?

George W. Bush was the only governor of Texas to become president.

Who from Florida is running to be president?

Nobody from Florida is making a serious run for president at the present time. Former governor Jeb Bush is mentioned from time to time as a possible candidate.

Who was Texas' governor before governor Perry?

George W. Bush who later became president .

What did George W. Bush do while becoming president?

George W. Bush was Governor of Texas at the time he was elected President in 2000.

Can an ex president run for Governor?

No They Can Not They Can Run For Govener Though. Then They Can Run For President

What did georgewbush do before he was president?

President George Bush was a governor like his brother before he became president.