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Q: Can primary socialisation be provided by anyone other thank the family?
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How are class identities created during primary socialisation?

Primiary socialisation: Agency: The family So how you are brought up by the family creates your class identitiy. The way in which you grow up is due to the family.

In sociology what does the term socalisation mean?

The term socialisation means the learning of norms and values. This can be done by primary socialisation which occurs through family life or secondary socialisation which occurs through socialising in schools.

What are social need of children?

Primary socialisation (eg. the development and understanding of social norms through institutions such as the the family, education, religion etc.)

What are the social needs of children?

Primary socialisation (eg. the development and understanding of social norms through institutions such as the the family, education, religion etc.)

What is meant by primary sociolisation?

The process by which children learn the cultural norms of the society into which they are born. Religion is also seen to be socialised into the personality of the child. Primary socialisation occurs largely in the family. See 'Secondary sociolisation' also

Describe and assess the evidence that socialisation plays a major part in shaping human behavior?

Socialisation refers to the process of learning one’s culture and how to live within it. The process of socialisation involves the transmission of culture from one generation to the next. It is during socialisation that individuals learn the values and norms that play such an important part in shaping human behaviour. Socialisation provides the skills and habits necessary for acting and participating within one’s society.Charles Cooley divided socialisation into two stages – primary and secondary socialisation. Primary socialisation is the early years of our socialisation. It occurs when a child learns the attitudes, values and actions appropriate to individuals as members of a particular culture. The most important agency of primary socialisation is the family and significant others. Secondary socialisation refers to the process of learning the appropriate behaviour as a member of a smaller group within the larger society. Secondary socialisation is a never ending process. It involves a number of different agencies such as family, media, institutions, peer groups and employment.The social psychologist G.H.Mead (The Mind, the Self and Society) made an important contribution to understanding the process of primary socialisation. He identified three different stages; the preparatory stage, the play stage and the game stage. During the preparatory stage, the child learns by imitating significant others. During this stage, simple rewards and punishments are used. In the play stage, the infant plays at being other people. According to Mead, this is a crucial stage in child development since the child learns from playing how other people think. When the child reaches the age of 7 or 8, they enter the game stage. During this stage, the child internalises the rules of the game. At this stage, the child begins to experience emotions such as guilt. Mead suggested that it was essential that children pass through these stages of socialisation by interacting with other..

What is the relationship between schooling and education?

The relationship between education and schooling is very simple school is where you get your education. Your schooling educates you so you can have a productive life. When you continue your schooling, you can educate yourself in a trade and have a promising career.

What is the role of family in socialisation process?

Family plays a crucial role in the socialization process by providing the first and most influential environment for learning social norms, values, and behaviors. Through interactions within the family, individuals learn how to communicate, form relationships, and navigate social expectations. Families also help shape individuals' identity, beliefs, and attitudes towards society.

What is agency in sociology?

an agency is what point makes up socialisation, such as , your peers, family(which is considered to be the most important one), education, religion and workplace. Socialisation is to teach people the norms and values of society, and to make the people a acceptable member of society. Thankss. xx

Expain the meaning of primary health care?

Primary health care is basic health care or care provided by Internal Medicine, Family Practice, or pediatric doctors. This is as opposed to specialty care provided by specialists like neurologists, cardiologists, etc. Primary health care is provided by your primary care doctor (those listed above). They are the everyday doctor you see when you don't feel well. They might recommend you see a specialist if they cannot adequately handle your concern.

How does the functionalist perspective explains socialization?

Parsons argued that societies require certain features in order to survive. One of these is pattern maintenance passing on of societies, norms, values and cultures to the next generation. They are passed initially by the family(primary socialisation). Within the family, children are treated as individuals and learned common goals, appropriate values and gender roles.

What is tertiary socialisation?

Tertiary socialization refers to the process of learning behaviors and values from institutions outside of the family, such as school, media, and workplace. It occurs during adolescence and adulthood and helps individuals adapt to societal norms beyond the immediate family environment. This type of socialization is essential for developing a person's identity and understanding their social roles within broader systems.