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Do you mean probiotics as in through the food we eat? I wouldn't think that probiotics cause depression for several reasons. It is too extreme to simply say that probiotics CAUSE depression since there are still many studies whose purpose is to understand depression...I don't even know if there is a conclusively proven cause of depression, only symptoms that contribute to depression. I think probiotics are suppose to help with digestion so I'm not sure how that would even relate back to the chemical levels in your brain (sometimes when serotonin levels are low, people may be more prone to feeling depressed).

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Q: Can probiotics cause depression
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Explain how prebiotics and probiotics work?

Probiotics are supplements of bacteria that is good for the GI tract (so called "good bacteria"). A common formula of probiotics is called PB-8. There are many formulas of probiotics. Each formula has a different strain or strains of bacteria that is known to be "good." By "good" they mean that these bacteria are either helpful in digestion OR they cause the "bad" bacteria to be less in number.

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Can you drink alcohol while taking probiotics?

No, it is not advisable to drink alcohol while taking probiotics. The alcohol will affect how the probiotics will work.