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Yes it can actually!!! Protein aids in the growth of bones and teeth and is a vital part of our diet. Some foods that contain protein are chicken, milk and fish.

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Q: Can protein make you taller
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Does protein make a child grow taller?

No. While a protein deficiency could stunt growth, excessive protein will not cause beyond normal increases in height.

Does steak make you grown taller?

Steak contains protein which is vital to human health. Being healthy will make you as tall as your unique genetic heritage allows.

Does food make you taller?

no food does not make you taller

Is blood and protein the same thing?

Blood and protein are two entirely different things.. They are both good for your body, but in different ways. Blood carries oxygen through your veins and helps defend your body against pathogens and air born viruses, etc. Protein will make your bones stronger, and can make you taller.

If you skateboard does it make you taller?

Skateboarding will not make you taller. It might make you skinnier or help you lose weight, but if you are not still growing, you won't get any taller.

Can somatrophs make you grow taller?

Somatrophs are essentially a protein hormones consisting of 191 amino acids and are naturally produced in the pituitary gland. During adolescence, the quantity produced increases and growth of bone, muscle, and cell is accelerated. Therefore making you taller.

Can pudding make you taller?

Yes, pudding can make you taller. I am not sure how and why, but I heard it and looked it up and yes, it makes you taller. Also I had some and I grew, like an inch taller. So if you want to grow taller, eat pudding! :)

What are the foods that make you taller?

Your height is mostly genetics but I am 6 foot 3 and I don't eat any vegtables but potatoes.( so don't believe you mum with that vegie crap) I mostly eat meat and I would say that meat is protein and that will build you to be bigger and taller.

As a bodybuilder gains muscles can he get taller?

No, gaining muscles will not make you taller.

Does stretching make you taller immediately?

No, stretching doesn't make you taller but if you want to become taller then you can try doing skipping, Bending and jumping. Hope this helps!

How does food not make you taller?

1) It doesn't make you taller than the maximum which your DNA (heredity) calls for. 2) It doesn't make you taller after a certain age, when you've stopped growing in height.