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no way, its like saying, can eating a steak stunt your growth?....

its protein, your body needs it to repair muscle tissue and so on, you find protein in 90% of the things you will eat and drink. we would all be migits is protein did

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Q: Can protein shakes stunt your growth?
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Would whey protein shakes stunt women's growth?

No they will not. The protein shakes are very healthy. Protein is one of the basic building blocks of muscle and the growth and repair of tissue.

Does drinking protein shakes at age 12 stunt growth?

I don't believe that protein shakes will stunt your growth. There are different types of protein shakes such as whey, casein, soy, and recently there is some buzz about hemp protein. Active people who are still growing should get most if not all of their nutrients from wholesome foods and not from supplements. For protein you should be having beef, chicken, and fish among other kinds of protein including healthy carbs and fats. It's usually only when you are competing at an elite level when you need supplements that can give you that extra edge.

Does protein make a child grow taller?

No. While a protein deficiency could stunt growth, excessive protein will not cause beyond normal increases in height.

Does muscle milk stunt your growth?

Muscle Milk is made up of low quality protein, and simple sugars. Although not an ideal food for anyone, it contains nothing that will stunt your growth.

Are protein shakes or supplements (pills) better?

There are many different types of protein shakes and other protein shakes and other protein supplements. College students do not need anything specific.

Do energy drinks stunt the penis growth?

Maybe, but it won't stunt your growth

Does caffeine in general stunt growth?

no, it does not. it is thought to, but it won't stunt your growth! it is still not good for you.

Does masterbrate stunt growth?

Nope - masturbation does not stunt your growth !

Are there books with recipes on protein shakes?

Yes there are several books with recipes on protein shakes. You should look it up and see what you come up with. There are hundreds of recipes of protein shakes.

Can protein shakes be bad to you if you haven't hit puberty?

No, protein shakes cannot be bad for anyone. Protein is not stored in our body. Unwanted protein is excreted.

Do you need to take protein shakes if you dont workout?

Protein Shakes are rich sources of protein and proteins are an extremely important ingredient of any person's diet. The answer is Yes you can take protein shakes even if you do not workout but if you don't workout do not consume too much protein. Limit the intake of protein shakes to maybe one or two scoops per day. It is not mandatory that you need to take protein shakes. You can get sufficient protein by following a healthy diet.

Will wearing diapers stunt penis growth?

no. but it will stunt your dignity.