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Brussel sprouts are not a food that rabbits would choose if given their own free will. I wouldn't offer it to them if they are caged, they might eat it and since they are a very gassy veggie it may give them a tummy ache. I always say remember Peter rabbit in Mr. Mac Gregors garden, he ate too much and got a tummy ache.

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Q: Can rabbits eat brussels sprouts and leaves?
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What food can rabbits eat?

a rabbit can eat: timothy hay pellets Basil Bok Choy Brussels Sprouts Celery Cilantro Clover Escarole Green Peppers Mint Peppermint Leaves Radicchio Radish Tops Raspberry Leaves Wheat Grass you know their vegatarians

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Can you give brussels sprouts to dogs?

I'm sure they will eat them ;) ! my dog will eat just about anything.

How do you make your expelled gas smell?

What you do is eat a lot of Brussels sprouts and beans and there you are!

Can rabbits eat brussels sprouts?

Yes, brussels sprouts are quite nutritious for rabbits in moderation (also hamsters, guinea pigs, humans, etc.). The dark-coloured outside leaves are especially healthy. The inner white/light leaves are low in nutritonal value, might make your rabbit sick.Like all cruciferous vegetables, brussels sprouts can cause gas. Gas can lead to serious illness in rabbits, so brussels sprouts shouldn't be a staple in your rabbit's diet. Some bunnies are more sensitive to gas than others; very sensitive bunnies shouldn't have brussel sprouts at all. It's important to pay attention to your individual rabbits so that you know how they react to certain foods!Feed rabbits vegetables often if you want a healthy rabbit! Not cold, but room temperature vegetables. A healthy rabbit diet includes a daily "salad" of mixed leafy dark greens. Brussel sprout leaves can be included in the rabbit's salad. Other vegetables (like carrot, squash) should be considered treats (same as fruit) and strictly limited.See the related question below for more info about the rabbit diet.

Can guinea pigs eat Brussels sprouts?

Maybe. I would ask your vet.

Are rabbits aloud brussle sprouts?

Brussel Sprouts are a gassy veggie. I don't feed my rabbits any gassy veggies as the rabbit is unable to burp and if you have it in a cage it is unable to eat Mother Natures natural medicinal remedies.

What are common plants humans can eat in the US?

lettuce, spinach, turnips, potato's, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts.

What to eat on a Tuesday?

Do you really want to eat what some anonymous person on the internet tells you to eat? Personally, I always eat brussels sprouts on Tuesdays... and liver.

What else can rabbits eat could you please let me know?

They eat Alfalfa, radish & clover sprouts Basil Beet greens (tops)* Bok choy Broccoli (mostly leaves/stems)* Brussels sprouts Carrot & carrot tops* Celery Cilantro Clover Collard greens* Dandelion greens and flowers (no pesticides)* Endive* Escarole Green peppers Kale (!)* Mint Mustard greens* Parsley* Pea pods (the flat edible kind)* Peppermint leaves Raddichio Radish tops Raspberry leaves Romaine lettuce (no iceberg or light colored leaf)* Spinach (!)* Watercress* Wheat grass

Are sprouts good for uric acid?

Brussels Sprouts Have 69 purines per milligram which puts them in the higher part of the low purine range of foods. you can eat them to your hearts content.

What do the Irish eat for Christmas dinner?

Turkey, Ham, Brussels Sprouts, Potatoes (mashed and roast), parsnips, carrots and stuffing