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lettuce, spinach, turnips, potato's, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts.

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Q: What are common plants humans can eat in the US?
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Why are humans omnivore?

Humans are omnivores because most of us eat both meat and plants.

What do omnivore eat?

An Omnivore eats plants (autotrophs) and other animals (heterotrophs). Example of Omnivores are humans.

How photosynthesis important for humans?

Photosynthesis is important for humans because it provides oxygen for us.

How is the energy of the sun transferred through a food web?

The sun allow plants to photosynthesis which is to make food and grow. The plants eating animals will eat them and then the meat eating animals will eat animals. Then us humans will eat the animals and plants.

What is the relationship of plants and animas in a food chain?

Well........... some animals do eat plants and us humans do eat some animals so that is part of the food chain yea Ill go with that.

Which part of the plants gives us oatmeal?

The seeds of the plant, in this case oats, are ground into a flour and consumed. Many grains humans eat are the seeds of these plants.

Why is soil so important to humans and earths?

To plant plants. If not for plants, we wounld be dead! Plants make oxygen for us to breath. Also, when an animal eats it, like a chicken for intence eats corn, we eat the chicken. Or we could just eat the plants.

How are humans like giraffe's?

We both eat plants, though they are only herbivores. The way they give birth is like us too.

How does acid precipitation affect humans?

It doesn't effect us directly, but it eventually will, it hurts plants and animals we eat, so we will have a shortage, or be poisoned.

Why soil is important to man and animal?

Soil is important to us because it lets the plants grow which we eat on our daily living/life.Like the vegetables and fruits which humans and animals eat.

How do the plants help us?

We eat plants and we eat animals that eat plants. Also plants add oxygen to our air. Plants are also beautiful to look at.

What do flowers and humans have in common?

We both need each other to live for example we give plants Co2 while they give us Oxygen.