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Theoretically, this is possible, but is highly unlikely.

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Q: Can rabies spread through swimming pools if a rabid dog drinks water from the pool or swims?
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Can Cats Transmit Rabies?

Yes, by biting or scratching. (Rabies does not appear to spread through fleas.)

What does the evolved rabies do to humans?

how do rabies spread

How fast do rabies spread?

i dont know ask someone that has rabies

Does rabies spread from every dog?

NO! dogs can only get rabies if they fall in a hole and then hump a worm

Can rabies be trasmitted through a scab?

The only way rabies can be spread is if a animal infected bites or scratches you. If u think an animal is infected stay away an call for help.

How do you get streptococcus?

Streptococcal bacteria are highly contagious. They spread through droplets in the air when someone with the infection coughs or sneezes. They also spread through shared food or drinks.

What is the disease spread by rabid animals?


How are rabies transmitted?

Rabies is spread by infected saliva that enters the body through a bite or broken skin. The virus travels from the wound to the brain, where it causes swelling, or inflammation. This inflammation leads to symptoms of the disease. Most rabies deaths occur in children

Why are rabies shots givenand how many shots are given?

Rabies shots are given to help prevent the spread of rabies to animals. This has multiple benefits including the protection of the animal vaccinated from a deadly virus, the protection of other animals from exposure to rabies through the animal vaccinated and the protection of people from exposure to a rabid animal.

Can a tetanus shot prevent rabies?

No...a tetanus shot will not prevent rabies. Tetanus is a bacterial infection spread by manure and soil entering a cut. Rabies is a virus. It is spread by blood or saliva from an infected animal. There are rabies prevention vaccines for people if you work in a high risk environment.

What is the percent of wild animals that have rabies?

Mice, while they can contract rabies, as all warmblooded mammals, can, it is extremely rare and hasn't been documented in the U.S. This is because rabies is transferred through a bite, and even if the mouse was bitten by an infected animal, it wouldn't live through that sort of attack. Even if it did, the virus would kill it before it had a chance to spread it.

Viral disease often spread by mammal bites?
