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No, the most they can do is supply oxygen to the new cells being created at the site of injury

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Q: Can red blood cells repair damaged tissues?
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These patrol tissues where they get rid of damaged or dead cells and anything recognized as foregin to the body?

red blood cells

Type of phagocyte that engulfs damages cells or pathogens that have entered the body's tissues?

White blood cells are those phagocytes that engulfs the damaged cells or pathogens entering the body's tissues.

How Can stem cells repair a damaged heart?

Stem cells can repair a damaged heart by turning into new cardiac cells to replace the damaged tissue.

What structure is involved in the breakdown of red blood cells?

The structure involved in the breakdown of red blood cells are called macrophages. Macrophages are white blood cells that are in connective tissues. They are formed to accumulate damaged or dead cells.

What distinguishes cartilage from connective tissue proper?

Cartilage is a form of connective tissue. But unlike other connective tissues, it does not contain blood cells, causing it to grow and repair slower than connective tissues with blood cells.

What provides new cells for growth and repair?

There are many vitamins and supplements that can be taken for growth and repair of tissues. Vitamin A is one example of a vitamin taken for growth and repair.

Why are cells called protein factory?

Because cells produce a lot of protein to build new cells, and to perform certain functions, and to repair damaged tissues.

What happen to the roots were tissues will damaged?

cells Will die

Why do cells reproduce in an adult organism?

Cells reproduce in an adult organism for growth, tissue repair, and maintenance of the body. This process allows for replacement of old or damaged cells to maintain optimal functioning of tissues and organs.

What happens if cells are damaged during your lifetime?

The consequence of damaged stem cells will depend on the amount of damage, part that has been damaged and which part of the body it supplies. Stem cells are basically the source of all tissues formed in the body. Therefore, damage to the basic unit of where the tissues form or generate will depend on how extensive the damage is and the capability of the stem cell to repair itself.

Where do nutrients go after they have passed through the intestine wall?

Blood stream and then used 2 repair damaged or to replace dead cells.

What is most likely procedure for treating severe arthritis of the knee?

Arthritis in the knee can be treated with stem cell therapy which is a natural healing method. This method enables stem cells to repair and modify the damaged tissues, it also prompts the damaged cells to mend themselves.