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Q: Can red eared sliders go blind?
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How do red eared sliders get air?

If red eared sliders need air they either stick their head out of th water or go on the land. If kept at home they must have some type of land or bridge to get air from.....

How do yellow belly sliders mate?

Yes, red eared slidersand yellow bellied slidersare both part of the slider family, so they are easy to cross breed. If you go to a pet shop, you will notice that most baby yellow bellied sliders have faint red 'ears' because they were interbred with red eared sliders.

Can red eared sliders live with yellow belly turtles?

Yes, red eared sliders and yellow bellied sliders are both subspecies of "pond slider", in the wild where their range overlaps they mate quite often producing what are called "intergrades". The particular intergrade between a yellow bellied slider and a red eared slider often has features of both, large yellow markings on the head with a red corner.

Can you put picus catfish with red eared sliders?

No, turtles are very inquisitive and they would go right up to the catfish bite them, get stabbed, and then you would have the problem of having a hurt catfish and a stabbed turtle.

How do you put red-eared sliders to bed?

They will go to sleep at night by themselves, if you make it dark enough. You just turn the aquarium's UV lamp off, and dim the lights in the room, and in a little while the turtles will go to sleep.

Can baby painted turtles be with adult painted turtles?

You're not suppose to, but i have a penny-sized painted turtle in with 2 huge red eared sliders. The pet store says they should be comparible in size. but go ahead

How often do red eared slider turtles need to go to the vet?

Every 6 months you should take the Red Eared Slider Turtle to the vet

Can you find red eared sliders in Massachusetts ponds?

river or pond r the best Thats illegal in most states.

What does it mean when your red eared slider turtle hisses?

When your red eared slider hisses at you, it is basically the same as when a cat hisses. They either want you to stop handling them, go away, or get out of their face. My larger and grumpier red eared slider hisses all the time, so don't take it personally if they hiss at you and think they hate you. They've just had enough. But I laugh at mine, since all you have to do sometimes is walk by him and hear a soft "ssssssss!!!" :)

Why won't my baby red eared slider eat?

AnswerDo you have a heat lamp for the turtle? See the Related Question below.AnswerMy baby turtle has the same problem but I'll tell you what I know... Red eared sliders can only eat in water, and they wont eat if its too cold or if your watching him/her. also try giving him/her different foods and try to see if he/she will eat that. also if it is a new turtle then wait a few day until it is used to its surrondings. and baby red eared sliders like meat alot more then anything else so try and give cooked salmon or cooked meat. I hope that your turtle eats!Another Answer:Red Eared Slider turtles eat MEAT when babies, make sure they are at home and comfy and not spazzing out, then slip a small piece of chicken in their tank. It will sink, but they should find it. Also, when Red Eared Sliders are babies, the water cannot go above their heads if they are on their back legs. Their heads need to poke out.

How long does a red-eared slider turtle live?

Wild red eared sliders live about 20 years. Red eared sliders that live in an aquarium (that has a filter and a heater) can live up to 85 years. You always need to have a light for any aquarium turtle to rest in the "sun" or your turtle will not be that happy... I have one and is eight years so Turt has a long way to go.

My red eared slider turtle isn't going to land?

Red Eared Slider Turtles are aquatic turtles witch means they live in all water.Usually they will want water.If you have any more questions go to