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Q: Can right temporal lobectomy cause memory loss?
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What is complication of right frontal lobectomy of brain?

-frontal lobe syndrome. -memory loss. -personality changes.

Which part of the brain is responsible for hearing and memory?

The cerebrum controls all senses, memory, and the ability to learn. Primarily in audio stimulation (hearing) and notably music the right temporal lobe makes sense of what you hear.

Where is the right temporal lobe?

The right temporal lobe is on the right half of the brain near the Sagittal plane that divides left and right cerebral hemispheres.

What is bilobectomy?

surgical removal of a lobe from any organ of the body (as the lung or brain)Lobectomy means surgical excision of a lobe. This may refer to a lobe of the lung, a lobe of the thyroid (hemithyroidectomy), or a lobe of the brain (as in anterior temporal lobectomy).The right lung has three lobes, and the left lung has two lobes. A lobectomy removes an entire lobe of lung containing the cancer (tumor).(loh-BEK-tuh-mee): Surgery to remove a lobe of an organ.Surgical procedure which the lobe of a lung is removed. (MesotheliomaA lobectomy removing two of the five lobes.I came up with this definition I am a scientist so it is exzact call me if you dont believe me I will post my number (905) 507-1844 don't be hesitant call me.

What is a right temporal lower quadrant defect of the head?

a right temporal lower quadrant defect

What is the CPT code for VATS surgical removal of upper and amp middle lobes of right lung?

right lung middle lobectomy

What lobe is on the right side of the brain?

Temporal lobe

Is there something to worry about if your right temporal bone is swollen?

If your right temporal lobe is swollen, you should see a doctor. This could signal swelling in the brain or even a tumor.

What is the ICD-9-CM code for total lobectomy of right upper lobe of the lung?

32.49 icd 9 32480 cpt

How long should epilepsy treated?

If you have drug resistant epilepsy then you should be evaluated for surgery. The testing takes a few weeks. Temporal lobe epilepsy is the most common type of epilepsy and surgery to correct it has the highest success rates. It will all depend on the area of the brain in which the seizures are originating from. Also the cause of your epilepsy plays a roll into whether or not you are a qualifying candidate. For example, if the cause of your seizures is from a birth defect then you are more likely to be an excellent candidate because if it's from a traumatic injury you are likely to have scar tissue and sometimes cannot be removed because of it's location. Therefore seizures cannot completely be eliminated but can be reduced. I had a right temporal lobectomy in March, 07' and have been seizure free every since. I was in the hospital 11 days. I am even off of medication. Regardless of the amount of time it takes, it is definitely worth a shot.

How does the temporal lobe differ for right handers and left handers?


What parts of the brain will be working when you hear someone ask a question and you give the answer?

When the question is related to analysis and logic , we use left side, when its eq we use right hand side. More specifically, general facts and knowledge are stored as semantic memory which along with episodic memory makes up our declarative memory.