

Best Answer

-frontal lobe syndrome.

-memory loss.

-personality changes.

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Q: What is complication of right frontal lobectomy of brain?
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Related questions

What does the brain's right frontal lobe do?

The right frontal lobe is involved with imagination and creativity, it also controls "social" taboos and risk taking behaviours

Symptoms of encephalomalacia of right frontal lobe of brain?

seivures, left sid impairment

Where is the olfaction located on your brain?

Your olfactory bulb is the part of your brain right above your nose! It rests under your frontal lobe.

Where is the frontlobes of the brain?

Frontal lobes are located in the front (anterior) part, pretty much right behind your forehead.

Can right temporal lobectomy cause memory loss?


Is the right frontoparietal area of the brain the same as the frontal lobe?

no, its part of the parietal lobe, specifically the area on the right hemisphere closest to the front of the head

Where in the brain are phallic messages sent?

There are many parts of the brain that are involved: bilateral inferior temporal cortex,right insula, right inferior frontal cortex, left anterior cingulate cortex, right occipital gyrus, right hypothalamus and the left caudate (the striatum).To sum it up, the temporal (visual memories and emotion), frontal (reward and motivation), occipital (vision) regions and the hypothalamus (hormone release) are the parts of the brain where phallic messages are sent.

The top of my first two toes on my right foot are numb. I have a left frontal lobe meningioma. Would there be a connection between the two?

Yes, this is almost certainly connected. The area of the brain that controls the movement of your right foot is in the left frontal lobe and the area of the brain for sensory perception in that foot is right posterior to it. If your meningioma is compressing the area for sensation, it can decrease or inhibit that part of the brain's ability to interpret signals coming from your foot.

What is gliosis in the right frontal lobe?

Gliosis is a change in the brain tissue in which a certain kind of support cell is more numerous. Gliosis can happen due to illness or injury. The right frontal lobe is the right front part of the brain. Gliosis isn't a diagnosis; it's a finding on biopsy or suggested by imaging. To determine a diagnosis, this finding will be one piece among the history and physical.

Is the brain divided into three hemispheres each responsible for different functions?

The brain can be divided into two hemispheres: the left and right brain. The left brain controls the right side of the body, and the left brain controls the right side of the body. There are different ways to divide the brain: Four lobes (frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal) Three.. somethings (cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem/medulla) Three brains (forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain) Two hemispheres (left, right)

What is bilobectomy?

surgical removal of a lobe from any organ of the body (as the lung or brain)Lobectomy means surgical excision of a lobe. This may refer to a lobe of the lung, a lobe of the thyroid (hemithyroidectomy), or a lobe of the brain (as in anterior temporal lobectomy).The right lung has three lobes, and the left lung has two lobes. A lobectomy removes an entire lobe of lung containing the cancer (tumor).(loh-BEK-tuh-mee): Surgery to remove a lobe of an organ.Surgical procedure which the lobe of a lung is removed. (MesotheliomaA lobectomy removing two of the five lobes.I came up with this definition I am a scientist so it is exzact call me if you dont believe me I will post my number (905) 507-1844 don't be hesitant call me.

List the eight bones of the cranium?

Right Left Parietal Bones Frontal Bone Occipital Bones Right Left Temporal Bones Spheniod ethmoid