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No they don't.

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Q: Can roach eggs trigger seizure
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How old does a roach have to be to lay an egg?

A roach has no age restriction when it comes to laying eggs.

How do jelly roach have babies?

by laying eggs I think they will get pregnant and lay eggs.

Can roach eggs survive after you set off roach killer bombs?

Some can, but most of the batch will be dead.

Can cleaning may you go into a seizure?

There is no particular reason why cleaning should make someone have a seizure. Stress and strain can be a trigger for some people, but work like cleaning should not do so. More likely fatigue or even watching television would trigger a seizure.

Cock roach eggs in taco bell?

It is just an urban legend. It was not on news or T.V. If there was roach eggs in taco bell, it would be shut down by now. And there isn't even any proof.

Can television trigger a seizure?

yes if it flashes light violently. really rare though

Can heat cause someone to have a seizure?

yes it can to a point. the heat can couse you to see double whitch is a side effect of having a seizure. seizure is caused by electrical disturbances occurring in the brain.

Can Gatorade cause seizure?

Everyone's body is different. Some have found the drink had a calming affect on their seizures. It is possible that they had an electrolyte imbalance which reduced their seizure threshold and the drink helped to settle that imbalance. It may simply be a fix for a dehydration issue which could also have been a seizure trigger. I would be very cautious about this drink if artificial colors are a seizure trigger for a given individual. I would also be concerned if sugar was a trigger. The drink has plenty of both substances and many seizure disorder sufferers are set off by artificial color and sugar.

Is it true that if you stand on a cockroach it lays its eggs?

Cockroaches (or shouldn't that be "henroaches"?) do not lay individual eggs. About 20 eggs are massed together in an egg case called an ootheka. If you crush the roach, the egg case may survive because the roach carries it around for a time as it hardens. If you don't crush the ootheka, it may eventually hatch. If the eggs are still inside the roach, they stand little chance of survival because they will rapidly dry out without the protection of the ootheka.

What are the major signs of epilepsy?

The major sign of epilepsy is seizures. When you have had more than one seizure, neurologists will do tests (MRI and EEG) to locate the trigger point of the seizure. Depending on the type of seizure you have, they will then start you on a medication. If medication fails to control the seizures, there are other alternatives. These include the ketogenic diet, VNS, and surgery.

What can cause a seizure?

Some things may trigger a seizure, but on the other hand, seizures may be a natural "mal-function" of the brain. Pictures on a TV screen can trigger a seizure or being overwhelmed can trigger a seizure. It is known that some people can reduce or completely stop their seizures with meditation and removing the negative things in your everyday life.