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it depends what kind of cage. Some robo hamsters can get through plastic cages if they have bars. I would recommend using a fish tank(not filled:P) and make sure the top is firmly on

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Q: Can robo dworf hamsters get out of a cage?
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Does the robo hamster like the critter trail x cage?

Robo hamsters are too small for that kind of a cage... they can squeeze through the bars. It would like it, yes, but my sisters mouse (same size as these hamsters) had a cage like that and was trying to get through the bars and suffocated. For my robo hamsters I use a huge fish tank which they like fine

Can you put a piece of a tree you your robo dwarfs cage?

A twig or a stick from a tree is fine to put in your Robo dwarf's cage. It is an excellent chew toy for hamsters.

Can robo hamsters chew out of cage?

No. If you have a metal cage, it can't chew through it unless it's a squirrel ;)

Why do robo dwarf hamsters dig under the padding in their cage?

In the wild, hamsters dig holes called burrows and live in them. So by instinct, hamsters will dig.

How long can a robo hamster live and do they grow into dwarfs hamster?

Robo hamsters are robo hamsters, they can be about 2 inches long on average, and stay robo hamsters.

What cage should you get for two robo hamsters if you dont want an aquarium?

A dwarf hamsters cage can be the same as a regular hamsters'. Metal bars always work! My cousins have dwarf hamsters and they have an aquarium and a metal bar cage connected with plastic tubes. Although they prefer the aquarium more than the metal bar cage they still use the metal bar cage a ton! Hope I helped! :)

Can you keep a robo hamster in a cage with a teddy bear hamster?

No!They'll fight to death! NEVER put 2 differnent types of hamsters in one cage NEVER!

How much do robo hamsters cost at petland?

when i went to pet land to get my hamsters supplies there was a sign that said buy a cage for $48 and your hamster will cost 99 sense

Do Robo Dwarf Hamsters squeak a lot?

I have 8 Robo Dwarf hamsters and there are 3 situations when I've heard them squeak. 1. They feel threatened by their cage mate - one of the hamsters is playing too rough or one of them simply does not want to play. 2. They object to being handled. 3. Baby robo hamsters insisting that their mum gives them food. Apart from these three situations, they have not squeaked since they've been living alone.

What is a good cage for a Roborovski Hamster?

The Roborovski or Robo (desert) hamster, as it's known, is the smallest of hamsters. The pet shop will be able to guide you in your cage choosing decision.See the related link below.

Can you put two robo dwarf male hamsters together in the same cage?

yes,but make sure to ask one of the people working there if they if the hamsters had a fight or don't get along! hope I helped ^_^!!

How do you make hamsters your friends?

um ... i have 9 robo-hamsters and we just feed them and give them water and keep their cages clean and whenever i stick my fingers up to the cage the hamsters sniff them and let you pet them... could just be that type of hamster though...