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Q: Can roosters be placed in the same pin as ducks and geese?
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Related questions

What are some animals in the same family as ducks?

Geese and swans..Family Anserformes.

What caused ducks and geese to die in California?

Same thing as everywhere in the world: habitat loss, disease, hunting, and pollution.

What walks like a duck acts like a duck looks like a duck but is not a duck?

Wild wood ducks which are Actually part of the geese family so are not ducks but look, walk, act and make the same sound as ducks

What is the difference between a loon and geese swans or duck?

Loons (or Divers in the UK) are not in the same group as waterfowl (Swans, Geese and Ducks). They are seagoing birds with longer, pointed beaks and legs even further back (to aid swimming).

Can a duck and a goose mate?

noducks and geese, although able to breed, are unable to produce offspring due to different chromosome numbers (same species and interbreedable species have the same number of chromosomes, this produces viable, fertile offspring).basically what you have between your duck and geese is the very common species barrier, rendering it impossible for the duck and geese to have offspring, but it is not impossible for them to mate.Another thing, having experience with this myself, except it was a duck and a pelican, the duck will lay eggs, that's what they do, they've mated and figure they should, but none of the eggs will be fertilized unless another boy duck snuck in one night.A horse and donkey can gowever. Horses and donkeys can interbreed to form a mule, but the mule has an odd number of chromosomes. Horses have 64 chromosomes, giving 32 in a gamete to a mule, whereas donkeys have 62 chromosomes, giving 31 in a gamete to a mule.The thing that keeps mules from reproducing is the fact that they have 63 chromosomes and are therefore incapable of making gametes (sex chromosomes that have half the chromosome count) because 63 is not evenly divided by 2. they can mate just fine, but they cannot create viable sex cells (eggs and sperm). Some also believe that this hybrid cross is infertile because the chromosomes line up incorrectly, completely stopping the spermatogenesis process (the process that creates sperm).

What is it called when a swan runs on water?

When a swan runs on water it is called "taking off." When a swan "water skis" on the water it is called "landing." Same for ducks and geese.

What are different kinds of barn animals?

Well a horse is usually kept in a barn. Same with sheep, cows, goats, pigs, ducks, geese and other animals like that.

What animals were on a Roman farm?

THey had the same animals they have today in Italy-- chickens,ducks, geese, cows, horses, goats, sheep and pigs. Maybe some rabbits, dogs and cats.

Are swan geese the same as swans?

way back when the lord created all creatures, he had to decide between goose and geese. you see it was quite the conundrum because what would you call multiple goose? well hear you go; it wouldn't be gooses because that just sounds silly so hmmm id have to say geese. so no they are not the same because a goose refers to one and geese refers to many. read. a. book.

Is a swan a natural enemy of geese?

Yes, many species of ducks and geese will feed in the same areas, such as rice fields or marshes. In domestic areas, they may not spend time together, but I don't think they'll injure each other.

Are ducks and refugees the same?

No! :L Ducks are happy being outside.... :)

Are ducks and owls the same?

No because ducks ''QUACK'' and owls ''HOOT.''