

Can salt water freeze completely

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: Can salt water freeze completely
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Which freezes faster water with 1g salt or water with 2g salt?

Water with 1 gram of salt completely dissolved in it will freeze faster than an equal volume of water with 2g completely dissolved in it.

Do salt water pool freeze over in winter?

yes depending on the temperature it might freeze completely

Plus can you separate salt from water by freezing?

No, it can't be separated. The salt water would completely freeze with a change in melting point of solution.

Does salt water freeze at the same temperature as normal water?

no, because if you put saltwater and freshwater in the freezer saltwater will not freeze completely ,because it has salt in it and it will not freeze at the same rate as freshwater that is my answer to this question.

What freeze faster salt or water?

Water will freeze faster than salt water.

Why did the salt water freeze but the salt did?

The salt is a substance and it a ingredient that will not freeze.

If salt water freezes does the salt freeze to?

If the salt is still in the water it will freeze inside the water so its technically frozen

Does salt water freeze faster than sugar water?

no salt water does not freeze faster than sugar.

What freeze faster salt water or sugar water?

Salt water will.

Which will freeze first-sugared water or salt water?

salt water

Will salt and water freeze?

Yes, salt water does indeed freeze. The addition of a solute (salt in this case) to a solvent (water) will always lower the solution's freezing point. This just means it needs to be colder than 32oC to freeze the salt water.

Which freeze faster stronger salt water or weak salt water?

weak salt water