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Q: Can sciatic nerve cause foot to feel hot?
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What major nerve is in the foot and leg?

sciatic nerve

The posterior side of the thigh leg and foot is served by what nerve?

The posterior side of the thigh, leg, and foot are served by the tibial nerve. The tibial nerve is a branch of the sciatic nerve.

Why common peroneal nerve is most affected in sciatic nerve injury?

most commonly injured at the neck of the fibula. injury will cause paralysis of muscles of anterior and lateral compartments of leg along with sensory loss on the skin of the dorsum of the foot. there will be loss of dorsiflexion and that will cause foot drop with patient walking on toes of affected foot. patient will also have difficulty in eversion of the foot with foot remaining in inversion.

Where in the body is sciatic nerve located?

The sciatic nerve is the largest single nerve in the human body; it runs from each side of the lower spine through deep in the rear and back of the thigh and all the way down to the foot, connecting the spinal cord with the leg and foot muscles.

What nerve roots innervate the sole of the foot?

Sciatic Nerve The Largest nerve in human body. A sensory and motor nerve originating in the sacral plexus and running through the pelvis and upper leg.

What major nerve serve posterior leg and foot?

The Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve serves the posterior aspect of the thigh.

What is the difference between foot drop due to sciatic nerve injury and common peroneal nerve injury?

no difference except for the sensory supply. if you damage your sciatic nerve, the sensory and muscle supply above the knee also lost as the sciatic nerve is damage. This is because common peroneal nerve is the brach of sciatic and it is at level of your knee. Only muscle and sensory below the knee level will be affected if you damage the common peroneal nerve. However the condition of foot drop would be the same

What major nerve serve leg and foot?

The sciatic nerve serves the posterior leg and foot. It can be such a problem that the patient cannot pick up their toes.

How do you palpate the sciatic nerve?

The best place to palpate the sciatic nerve is deep in the buttock. It exists the pelvic area just under the piriformis. If you place your foot on a chair and find the ischial tuberosity (the butt bone - the ones we sit on) and move laterally, you will be on or near the sciatic nerve.

Why does the gastrocnemius muscle contract after stimulating the sciatic nerve?

The gastrocnemius is stimulated by a branch of the sciatic nerve called the tibial nerve. This causes contraction and produces plantar flexion of the foot. When a person stands on their "tippy toes" that is plantar flexion. This is a function of this nerve.

What path does the sciatic nerve follow in humans?

The sciatic nerve in humans begins in the lower back and runs through the buttock and down the lower limb. As well as this it goes from the top of the leg to the foot.

What nerve serves the foot?

Sciatic Nerve The Largest nerve in human body. A sensory and motor nerve originating in the sacral plexus and running through the pelvis and upper leg.