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Q: Can sleep apnea be caused by exposure to agent orange?
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Is sleep apnea caused by herpes?

Sleep apnea is not caused by herpes.

Can sleep apnea be caused by depression?

No. Sleep apnea is a physical condition. If you have it, it doesn't matter whether you are depressed or not.

What physical health problems that can be caused by being overwheight or obese?

sleep apnea, asthma

Temporary inability to breath often in sleep?

The inability to breathe temporarily is called apnea. Periods of apnea during sleep, particularly those causing intermittent, frequently subconscious awakenings, is called Sleep Apnea. Sleep apnea comes in various forms. The most common being Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). This is caused by an obstruction of the hypopharynx and glottis during sleep - usually the soft tissues of the mouth, soft palate, and throat relax during sleep and occlude the airway. Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) is rarer and caused by neurologic, toxicologic, and metabolic disorders.

Long pauses of breat?

Long pauses of breathing, breathing by mouth , night sweats and specially snoring during sleep are signs of sleep apnea. But those jerking movements are not caused by sleep apnea.

How does someone get infected with sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea is not generally considered an infection. Sleep apnea is a condition in which a person temporarily stops breathing while they sleep. It can be a temporary problem caused by a cold or similar sort term illness or may be a chronic problem that causes a person to no longer be able to control their airway while they sleep. One major contributing factor of chronic sleep apnea is obesity.

What different types of treatment for sleep apnea is there?

Obstructive sleep apnea cause when soft tissues relax and collapse block breathing and thus preventing inhaled air from reaching the lungs Next Central sleep apnea cause when brain doesn't send signals through lungs however when breathing passage is open it would not reach air sacs called alveoli thus leading to falling asleep

Why are Marfan syndrome patients especially at risk from sleep apnea?

In patients with Marfan, obstructive sleep apnea is caused by the unusual flexibility of the tissues lining the patient's airway. This disturbed breathing pattern increases the risk of aortic dissection.

Can heart disease cause sleep apnea?

I had nine vessel CABG in 2002 and also have severe coronary artery disease. Could this have caused my moderately severe sleep apnea? I never had any problems sleeping before my surgery.

What causes tongue scallop?

A scalloped tongue can be caused by a B12 deficiency, or by TMJ or thyroid disorder. According to The Association of Tongue Scalloping With Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Related Sleep Pathology, scalloping is 70% indicative of sleep apnea.

What happens in central sleep apnea?

central sleep apnea is caused by the internal brain stem, where the autonomic system doesn't work properly. You can go minutes without breahting. Constructive sleep apnea is where the back of the throat collapses during sleep and you struggle to breath. The pauses in breathing last 10-20 seconds or longer. constructive sleep apnea is no where near as bad as central.

6 Name a common risk factor of both diabetes and sleep apnea?

a common risk factor for both diabetes and sleep apnea is being overweight. That is for type 2 diabetes and osa that is not caused by tonsils, uvula, deviated septum, or adnoids.